




1. save the earth 拯救地球

2. noise pollution 噪音污染

3. solve the problem 解決問題

4. cut down 減少

5. be good for 對……有益

6. go shopping 去購物

7. make a difference 起作用

8. hear of 聽說

9. cut off 割掉

10. not only...but also...不但……而且……

11. be harmful to 對……有害

12. at the top of the food chain 在食物鏈的頂端

13. worse and worse越來越糟

14. take part in參加

15. not...any longer 不再

16. begin with 以……開始

17. turn off 關掉

18. pay for 付費;付出代價

19. add up 加起來

20. take action 采取行動

21. throw away 扔掉;拋棄

22. put sth.to good use 好好利用某物

23. pull...down拆下;摧毀

24. upside down 上下顛倒;倒轉

25. win a prize 獲獎

26. set up 建立

27. be known for 因……而聞名

28. look like 看起來像

29. bring back 恢復;使想起

30. in the ocean’s ecosystem 在海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)



1. 語言知識目標:

1) 復習一般過去時態(tài)被動語態(tài)的用法。

2) 能夠用英語講述自己所熟悉的某一發(fā)明的簡單過程。

3) 能用就本單元所學習的寓言故事等語言材料,進行完型填空。并用英語介紹某一發(fā)明的簡要過程。

2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:



1. 教學重點:



3)完成Self check部分的練習試題。

2. 教學難點:



Ⅰ. Revision

1.Reviewtheexpressions and sentences in Section B 1.

2. Checkthehomework.

Let Ssintroducethehistory of basketball.

Ⅱ. Lead in

1. AskSswhichinvention they like best.

Ssthinkabout their favorite inventions.

2. Let someSstalkabout their favorite inventions.

Ⅲ. Thinking

1. Ask Sswhatthingsthey don’tlike to do.

e.g. Problem: quicklytaking notes inclass.

2. Discussingroupand think of an invention that could help you.

e.g. Newinvention: a special pen

What it is usedfor: taking notes quickly in class

3. Ssdiscussingtheproblems and try to make their own notes.

4. Let someSsreadtheir notes to the class.

Ⅳ. Writing

Work on 3b:

1. Tell Ss towriteadescription of your new invention.

2. Thefollowingsentencestructure may help you.


① Ithink … is a very useful invention.


② … was invented by…


③ … was invented in…


④ Itwas used for…它被用來……

⑤… is made of………是由……(材料)制成的

Ⅴ. Self Check

Work onSelfCheck1:

1. Read thewordsinthe box and make sure they know the meaning of each word.

2. Readthepassageand try to fill in the blanks with the proper word.

3. Readthepassageagain. Check if the forms of the words are correct.

3. Let someSsreadtheir answers. Correct the mistakes.

Work on Self Check2

1. Tell Sstorewritethe sentences using the passive voice.

2. 方法指導:



3. Ssworkbythemselves and try to rewrite the sentences.

4. Checktheanswerswith the class.

Work on Self Check3

Findoutinformationabout an invention you would like to know more about andwritesentencesbelow.



Who: _____________



If time isenough,dosome more exercises on big screen.


1.Duringtheafternoon, there was a _______ (suddenly) heavy fall of snow.

2. Ithinkthetelephone _____________ (invent) before the car.

3.The__________(Canada) song Alouette(百靈鳥) is a fun songabout a bird.

4.They____________(invite) to take part in the May Day celebrations in Beijing.

5.The___________(popular) of private cars is changing the people’slifestyle.

6. Whenthebill____________ (bring) to him, he was such surprised.

7. Theygavetheirlives for their country and were honored as ________ (hero).

8.We___________(divide) into eight groups by our teacher last week.


1. 試著向你的朋友用英語講述籃球的發(fā)展過程。

2. 用下列詞匯造句子。

look upto,bymistake, daily activities, It is said, all of a sudden, fall into, at theOlympics.



1.掌握句型:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is ... 我的名字是 ...


3.能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫以下句子:My name is... 我叫 ...,Im ... years old. 我今年 ... 歲了。

4.能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫以下問題:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?


1.掌握句型:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is ... 我的名字是 ...



1.理解以下句子:Im ... years old. 我今年 ... 歲了。



Step 1. 導入新課(5分鐘)



Step 2. 學習新詞匯(10分鐘)




Step 3. 學習新句型(10分鐘)

1.教師通過課件展示本單元的新句型,例如:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is ... 我的名字是 ...



Step 4. 鞏固練習(15分鐘)



Step 5. 課堂小結(5分鐘)






第三單元 青少年問題


21.I hope I cam offer you some useful suggestions.我希望我能夠提供一些有用的建議給你。

▲offer 用作動詞,意為“提供;”“為…提供機會,給予”常用短語“offer sb. sth或offer sth. For sb.”意思是“為某人提供某物”。如:

①I offered him a glass of wine.我敬了他一杯酒。

① will you offer the guests some coffee?請你給客人拿一些咖啡好嗎?

② I﹐ve been offered a job in Japan.日本有份工作要聘請我去做。

③ The company has offered a high salary.公司提出高薪招聘。

④ She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet.她為尋回遺失的手鐲提出以報酬答謝。

⑤ He offered §3,000 for the house.他提出了3000英鎊買這間房子。

⑥ We offered him the house for $ 20,000.我們要他出20,0000美元買這間房子。

offer to do sth.的意思是“主動提出做某事?!比纾?/p>

She offered to carry the box for her mother. 她主動提出要幫她母親拿箱子。

We offered to leave. 我們表示要走了。

He offered to lend me his bike.他表示要把自行車借給我。

Never to teach fish to swim.莫班門弄斧。

He offered to hit me. 他企圖打我。

She offered to help me to learn English.她提出要幫助我學習英語。

offer sth (up) to sb. 的意思是“奉獻,祭獻”。如:

① A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.向女神獻祭一頭犧牲的小牛。

② He offered his life to his country.他把生命獻給了祖國。

offer one﹐s hand 的意思是“伸出手”“向女子求婚”。如:

① He came towards me smiled and offered his hand.他微笑地向我走來并伸出手。

② The young man decided to offer his hand to the pretty girl.這個小伙子決定向那個漂亮的女孩求婚。

offer 也可作名詞,意為“提供;提議;提出;出價”等。如:

She refused the offer.她拒絕這個提議。

I am open to an offer.我愿意考慮買主的出價。

I﹐ve had an offer of §1200 for the car. 有人向我出價1200英磅買這輛車。

22.Suggestion 和suggest的用法。


① I went there at /on your suggestion.我是根據(jù)你的建議去那里的。

②Jan was my first suggestion as chairperson.簡是我推薦可以任主席的第一人選。

③I have a suggestion to make .我有個建議要提。

④I want suggestions about what to do today.今天做些什么,我想聽聽有何意見。

⑤There is no suggestion that she would resign.沒有任何跡象顯示她要辭職。

⑥Must advertisements work through suggestion.廣告都是通過啟發(fā)人的聯(lián)想而發(fā)揮作用。

⑦His speech was full of suggestion.他的演說充滿了暗示。

Suggestion 與advice都可作“建議”解釋,但suggestion為可數(shù)名詞,指對某件事或某個問題,尤其是為改進工作或解決問題而提出的“意見或建議”,常用make a suggestion. advice一般指有經(jīng)驗或有業(yè)務專長的人對某一行動提出帶有指點或指教性的“意見、建議或勸告”。如:醫(yī)生對病人的醫(yī)囑、老師對學生的指教等,它是不可數(shù)名詞,只能用a piece of , a bit of ,some 等修飾,advice作“勸告”“意見”解釋,常用take advice, give advice, follow advice等詞組。

① Can you give me a piece of advice?=Can you give me a suggestion?你能給我一條建議嗎?

② On his advice, I am staying in bed. 根據(jù)他的建議,我呆在床上了。

③ You should take his advice.你應該采取他的建議。

④ At last they went to their father﹐s old friend and asked his advice.最后他們?nèi)フ宜麄兏赣H的老朋友,聽取他的意見。

Suggest 用作動詞,意為“提議、建議、提出、暗示、間接表明”。如:

① I suggest a tour of the museum.我提議去參加博物館。

② Can you suggest how we might solve the problem?怎樣解決這問題,你能出個主意嗎?

③ He suggested taking the children to the zoo.他提議帶孩子去動物園。

④ They accepted the paper and suggested only one change.他們接受了這篇文章,只提出改動一個地方。

Suggest 后只可以接動名詞作直接賓語,不可以帶動詞不定式。如:

① I suggest going out for a walk after supper.我建議晚飯后到外面去散步。

② She suggested having a class meeting.她提議開個班會。

Suggest后面接that 引導的賓語從句。如果是“建議”的意思,則that引導的從句要用虛擬語氣,謂語部分用should+動詞原形,should可以省略。如:

① I wrote suggesting that he should come for the weekend. 我寫信請他來度周末。

② It is suggested that we put on a short play at the party.有人建設我們在晚會上演個短劇。

③ I suggest that we (should)go to the Palace Museum on Sunday.我建議星期天去故宮博物館。

Suggestion如果后面接的that 引導的從句,表示的意思是“暗示、表明”,則that引導的賓語從句不用虛擬語氣,必須根據(jù)具體情況來確定所用的時態(tài)。如:

① His pale face suggests that he knew the bad news.他蒼白的臉表明他知道了這個壞消息。

② What he said suggested that he would like to go with us.他所說的話暗示他想和我們一起去。

③ Her expression suggested that she was angry.她的表情說明她在生氣。

④ His pale face suggests bad health.他臉色蒼白,說明他身體不好。

動詞advise 表示“建議、勸告”的意思時,它的后面可以跟名詞、動名詞、不定式復合結構、that從句(從句中用should+動詞原形)如:

① We advised an early start.我們建議早點出發(fā)。

② I advised his starting at once.我建議他馬上開始。

③ He advised waiting until proper time.他勸告我們等到適當?shù)臋C會再行動。

④ He often advises people to use their brains.他經(jīng)常勸人們多動腦筋。

⑤ I advised that he (should )buy the book.我建議他買這本書。

23.Then work out how much time you need to finish it.然后算出完成作業(yè)所需要的時間。

▲need 用作及物動詞,意為“需要”,后接名詞,不定式。如:

① Do you think you will need help?你想你需要幫忙嗎?

②I﹐ll call you if anything is needed.要是需要什么,我就叫你。

③They need to unite with and support each other.他們需要互相團結,互相支持。

④Does she need to know it?她需要知道這件事嗎?

⑤You don﹐t need to leave so early.你們不需要走得這么早。


① Whose chair needs fixing?誰的椅子需要修理?

② My hair needs washing badly.我的頭發(fā)非常需要洗一洗。


① So you needn﹐t hurry with the meeting.所以你們不必急于開這個會。

② Need you go so soon?你需要這么早走嗎?

③ Need we start at once?我們必須立刻動身嗎?

24.It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football.看起來你踢足球花了不少時間。


①You seem to have a lot of hobbies.似乎你有許多愛好。

②They seem to be teachers.他們好像是教師。

③He seems to get on well with his neighbours.看來他跟鄰居相處得很融洽。

④She seems to have a happy life 她似乎過著幸福的生活。

seem與引導代詞it 連用,構成it seems that….是一個固定句型,It 是形式主語,that引導的主語從句,是真正的主語,意為“看來”“好像”“似乎”。如:

① it seems that he gets on well with his neighbours.看來了跟鄰居相處得很融洽。

② It seems that there is something wrong with the washing machine .似乎那臺洗衣機出了點狀況。

③ It seemed that the Blacks were doing some cooking when the light went out.看來熄燈時布萊克夫婦正在做飯。

▲ There is /are /was /were句型可表示確定概念,而There seems/seemed to be 句型表示不夠確定的概念。又如:

① There were few visitors in the museum yesterday.昨天博物館人很少。

② There seemed to be few visitors in the museum yesterday。昨天博物館似乎人很少。

③ There is a fridge in the corner of the kichen.廚房的角落里有一臺冰箱。

④ There seems to be a fridge in the corner of the kitchen.廚房的角落里似乎有一臺冰箱。

⑤ There are some sheep eating grass on the hill. 山上有一些羊在吃草。

⑥ There seems to be some sheep eating grass on the hill.山上似乎有一些羊在吃草。

25.I usually get a lot of homework from my teachers. 通常老師布置很多作業(yè)。

▲get 作及物動詞,意為“得到”如:

① I got a letter from my friend yesterday.昨天我收到一封朋友的來信。

②He got a good mark in the English exam.他在英語測驗中得了高分。

③ Did you get my email?你收到我的電子郵件嗎?

④ I﹐ll come to see you if I get time.如果我有時間的話,我會來看望你的。

▲ get+間接賓語+直接賓語,意為“弄來,搞來,取來”。如:

can you get me a cup of tea?你能給我拿杯茶來嗎?

Get the students a good teacher.給學生們找一個好老師。

I﹐ll get you something to eat.我給你弄點吃的吧。

She has got herself a good husband.她嫁了一個好丈夫。

▲ get+賓語+賓補

① She got a new coat made.她定做了一件新大衣。

② I must get my hair cut.我得剪頭發(fā)了。

▲ get+名詞或代詞+形容詞

① My mother gets supper ready when I get home.當我到家,我媽把晚餐準備好了。

② You must get your shoes clean.你必須把鞋擦干凈。

▲ get作連系動詞,后面加形容詞或不定式或現(xiàn)在分詞或介詞短語等作表語。如:

① The weather is getting cold.天氣冷了起來。

② My parents got very angry because I got home late.因為我晚回家,父母很生氣。

③ We got talking and forgot the time.我們一直在交談,忘了時間。

④ It﹐s getting near tea time.快到喝茶的時候了。

▲ get構成一系列短語,有不同的含義,有時可以用另一動詞代替。

① get on 上車 get off 下車;(飛機的)起飛

② get on/along with…進行某事;與…相處

③ get rid of…擺脫…;除掉…

④ get down下來;取下來;彎下腰;寫下來;記下來。

⑤ get back回來(=come back=return)

⑥ get a cold 傷風,感冒(=catch a cold)

⑦ get the dinner 做飯(=cook the dinner)

⑧ get one﹐s lessons 學功課(=have one﹐s lessons)

⑨ get a letter from sb.收到某人來信(=receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.)

26. I do not have much time to revise for tests.我沒有許多復習迎考的時間。

▲作動詞用,它的意思是“復習(功課)”,英式英語,與美式英語review同義,相當于詞組go over.如:

① She﹐s revising his notes for the test.她正在復習筆記,準備測驗。

②please revise the words we learned today.請把今天學習的單詞復習一下。

③ He was revising his lessons when I went to see him.我去看望他的時候,他在復習功課。

▲ revise 的名詞形式為revision,意為“復習”“修訂”。如:

① He handed in his exercise book after two revisions.他檢查兩遍后把作業(yè)本交了。

② We are doing some revision for the exam.我們在為考試而復習

③ Our budget needs drastic revision.我們的預算需作重大修改。

27.To express strong feelings 抒發(fā)強烈的感情

▲express 作動詞用,表示(用語言或行動)“表達,陳述,體現(xiàn)”(思想和感情)。如;

① I find it difficult to express my meaning.我發(fā)覺難以表達我的思想。

②His face expressed sorrow. 他的臉上表露出悲哀。

③ She expressed surprise when I told her you were coning.我告訴她你要來時,她表示驚訝。

▲如要表達“對(某人)表達…”時,常用express…to sb結構。如:

④ She expressed her thanks to us.她向我們表示致謝。

⑤ He could not express his feelings of sadness to his mother.他不能向母親表露出內(nèi)心的悲痛。

⑥ I can﹐t express to you how grateful I am for your help.你對我的幫助,我感激不盡。

▲ express oneself 表示“表達自己的感情或思想”。如:

① He can express himself well in English 他能用英語清楚地表達自己的思想。

② He is still unable to express himself in English.他仍然不能用英語表達他的意思。

③ Learning to express oneself well is an important part of education.學會把意思表達清楚是受教育的一個重要方面。

28.Take turns to share your problems and give advice.輪流分擔雙方的難題,并提供建議。

▲take turns意為“依次”“輪流做”,常用于take turns to do /(at)doing sth.等結構。如:

① The students take turns to clean the classroom.學生們輪流打掃教室。

②They took turns(at) taking care of the patient.他們輪流照看那個病人。

③ The newspaper reporter took turns in asking the manager questions.新聞記者輪流向經(jīng)理提問。

▲it﹐s one﹐s turn to do sth. 表示“輪到某人做”。如:

④ it﹐s your turn to keep guard.輪到你放哨了。

⑤ it﹐s Xiao Ming﹐s turn to introduce himself.輪到小明自我介紹了。

⑥ Whose turn is it to clean the office?該輪到誰打掃辦公室了?

▲ 其他由turn(名詞)構成的短語:

At every turn 每次;處處by turns 輪流;逐個地in turn依次;逐個地

① I keep meeting him at every turn.我每次都遇見他。

② We did the work by turns.我們是輪流做這項工作的。

③ The girls called out their names in turn.那些女孩子逐一報出她們的名字。

29.My penfriend in the USA hasn﹐t replied to my last three letters.我在美國的筆友近來沒有回我最后三封信。

▲ 可以作名詞,意思是“回答,答復”,與answer同義。如:

① She made no reply.她沒有回答。

②This reply is not an answer.這個答復不中肯。

③ What did he do in reply to your letter?你信中提出的事,他有什么反應?

▲ 用作及物動詞,后面接從句或直接引語。如:

① She didn﹐t know what to reply.她不知道該怎么回答。

② He replied that he was busy.他回答說很忙。

③ “No”he replied.“I only came last month”.“不”,他回答道,“我是上月才來的。”

▲ 作不及物動詞用,意為“回答”“答復”。如:

① I asked him. But he didn﹐t reply.我問他,但他沒有回答。(547118.com 精選范文網(wǎng))

② None of my letters have been replied to.我所有的信都沒有回音。

③ I replied with a short note.我回了一封短信。

▲ reply to sb./sth 是“回答,答復”的意思。如:

① Be sure to reply to me as soon as possible.務必盡快答復我。

② Please reply to my question.請回答我的問題。

▲ reply to /with sth. 的意思是“(以行動)作答,回答”。如:

① He replied with a nod 他點了點頭作為回答。

② The enemy replied to our fire.敵人和我方還擊。

▲ reply 與answer區(qū)別

answer 用法比較廣泛,可指口說或筆寫的答復,它是及物動詞,可以帶賓語。Reply指較正式的,經(jīng)過考慮后的答復,它是不及物動詞,不可以直接跟賓語。只有加上介詞“to“后,才可以跟賓語。如:

③ I called ,but no one answered it.我給他打了電話,但沒有人接。

④ Can you answer this question?你能回答這個問題嗎?

⑤ I sent in my application ,and the university replied immediately.我把申請書送去,那所大學立即答復了。

30.Although their problems can make them worry, there are some simple ways to deal with stress. 盡管他們的問題會使他的感到憂慮,但還是有一些簡單的辦法來處理這種壓力。

▲deal with的意思是“處理(問題、任務等)”如:

①He dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.他很巧妙地處理了一個困難的局面。

②Haven﹐t you dealt with that letter yet ?那封信你答復了嗎?

③ Do you know how to deal with stress?你知道怎樣緩解壓力嗎?

④ The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章討論動詞。

⑤ What is the best way of dealing with young criminals?對付少年犯最好的方法是什么?

▲ do with 也可表示“對付”“處理”的意思。常與疑問詞what連用,而deal with常與凝問詞how連用。如:

① We are trying better ways to deal with /do with this matter.我們在努力尋找處理這個問題的更好的辦法。

② You should learn how to deal with those naughty children.你應該學會如何對付那些淘氣的孩子。

③ The new teacher doesn﹐t know what to do with the class.那位新老師不知道如何對待他班上的學生。

31.One major cause of stress is homework.壓力的一個主要原因是作業(yè)。


① We have encountered major problems.我們遇到大問題了。

②She has written a major novel.她寫了一部高質(zhì)量的小說。

③The major part of the work is done.這項工作的大部已經(jīng)完成了。

▲ major作名詞用,意思是“主修課程”。如:

① her major is French.她的主修課程是法語。

② She chose physics as her major.她選擇物理為主修科目。


③ She majored in maths and English.她在大學主修英語和數(shù)學。

④ What subject do you major in at university?你在大學主修什么?

⑤ She is majoring physics at university.她在大學主修物理。



① What was the cause of the fire ?火災是怎么引起的?

②smoking is the causes of the heart disease.吸煙是引起心臟病的一種原因。

③Ice on the road was the cause of the accident.路上的結冰是造成那次事故的原因。

▲ cause作“理由,緣故”解釋時,是不可數(shù)名詞,與reason同義,后面通常接介詞“for 或to do ”的短語形式。

① You have no cause to complain.你沒有理由報怨。

② She is never absent from work without good cause.她決不無故缺勤。

▲ cause 作及物動詞時,意為“使產(chǎn)生、引起”。如:

① Smoking can cause lung cancer.吸煙可致肺癌。

② The cold weather caused the plants to die.天氣寒冷凍死了植物。

③ He caused his parents much unhappiness.他弄得父母很不愉快。

④ She is always causing trouble for people她總是給人添麻煩。

⑤ His illness caused him to miss the game.他因病不能參加比賽。

▲ reason 意為“理由”、“原因”,指導決定做某一件事或采取某一行動的理由,由此而得出結論或解釋;它著重指符合邏輯的解釋和推理,后面常常接for引導的介詞短語。如:

① The reason for my absence was that I was ill.我沒來是因為我生病了。

② The reason why we are late is that our car did not come.我們遲到的原因是車沒來。

③ Can you tell me the reason for your being late?你能告訴我你遲到的原因嗎?

▲ excuse 意為“辯解”“借口”,指為某一行為所作的解釋,可以是真的,也可以是托詞,著重指為免受指責和失掉責任而尋找的理由。如:

① I won﹐t listen to your any excuse.我不想聽你的任何借口

② Too much work is no excuse for not studying.工作太忙不能成為不學習的理由。

③ He gave me his excuse for being late.他向我說明他遲到的原因。

▲ cause后面通常接名詞作賓語,也可以接動詞不定式。Make若與動詞連用,其意義和用法與cause相近。但make在日常會話中用得較廣,它與不帶to的動詞不定式連用。常常與不帶“to”的不定式連用。如:

① Why do you always cause trouble?你為什么總是要找麻煩?

② The earthquake caused several buildings to collapse.地震造成了好幾座樓房倒塌。

③ Nothing could make me change my mind.什么也不會使我改變主意的。

④ The valve lets water enter the pump.閥門使水流入水泵。

⑤ The teacher let the students read English for half an hour in the morning.老師讓學生早晨讀半小時的英語。


▲weight 作不可數(shù)名詞用,意思是“分量,重量”。如:

① Bananas are usually sold by weight.香蕉通常按重量賣。

②That man is twice my weight.那個男子的體重比我重一倍。

④ Her weight has increased to 70 kilos.她的體重增加到了70公斤。

⑤ Two boys are (of )the same weight.那兩個男孩體重相同。

⑥ I﹐m a little fat . I should lose weight.我有點兒胖了,我要減肥了。

▲ put o weight的意思是“增加體重,發(fā)福”。如:

⑦She has put on his weight since I last saw her.自從上次我見到她以來,她變得胖了。

▲ over/under weight的意思是“超重”、“過輕(不超重)”如:

① She is under weight.她體重很輕。

② Jim is over his weight.吉姆體重超重了。

▲ weight作為可數(shù)名詞用,意思是“重物”。如:

① The dressmaker put small weights in the hem of dress.那裁縫把小塊的重的東西縫制到連衣裙的下擺里了。

② The doctor said he must not lift heavy weights.醫(yī)生說他切不可抬重物。

▲ weight用作動詞,意為“稱重,估量”。如:

① Please weigh the apples for me.請為我稱一下蘋果。

② He weighed the stone in his hands.他用手估算一下這塊石頭的重量。 synchronous Test 同步測試


1.You are not good at English ,but you can﹐t

A. give it in B. give in it C. give it up D. give up it

2. I can﹐t decide

A. what to do it B. how shall I do It C. how to do it D. what shall I do it

3. your English teacher you ?

A. Do ,strict in B. Does ,strict with C. is , strict with D. is strict in

4.You must focus your studies.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

5.You can﹐t too much time TV.

A. take ; to B. pay; for C. spend ;to watch. D. spend ; watching

6.He has to stay at home because he has close friends.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little .

7.“My father bought me a new watch yesterday.”it is a structure of


8.If someone laughs at you .you should

A. shout at him B. hit him C. pay no attention to him D. cry out

9.if he doesn﹐t go to the cinema tomorrow.

A. so do I B. neither do I C. so will I D. neither will I

10. I he come soon.

A. think ; won﹐t B. don﹐t think; will C. think; hasn﹐t. D. don﹐t think ;has

11.He was at the news .

A. excited ; exciting B. exciting; excited C. exciting ; exciting D.excited ; excited

12. Shanghai is larger than city in China

A. any B. any other C. the other D. others

13. I stayed at home .i went to the park to the cinema.

A. neither; nor B. either;or C. both ; and D. between; and

14.The Chinese people are living a much life than before.

A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiness

15. He wasn﹐t with his knife , he cut himself .

A.careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully

16. Will you please shoes on the floor ?

A. not to put B. not put C. don﹐t put D. not putting

17.He did much work that he felt tired .

A. so B. such C. some D.any

18. of the things are strange to me .

A. None B.No one C.Nothing D. Anything .

19.Yesterday I that there would be a film .

A. tell B. told C. was told D. asked

20. The workers were made the whole day.

A. work B. to work C. worked D. working

21. About films were shown during the 5th Shanghai international film festival .

A. two hundred of B. two hundreds of c. two hundred D. two hundreds.

22.The you are , the mistakes you will make.

A. careful; little B. more careful, less C. more careful; few . D. more careful, fewer

23.Bill put his hands behind his back, nobody could see his hands.

A. so B. and C. or D. but

24. it﹐s cold outside .You﹐d better your coat .

A put on B. to put on C. wear D. to wear

25.How could you make him crying?

A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. to wear

26.The students wet out of the classroom

A. noise B. to stop C. stopping D. stopped

27.He can﹐t find his lovely dog .How she looks!

A. sad B. sadly C.happy D. happily

28.Ca you find a way of this problem ?

A. deal with B. deal about C. dealing with D. dealing about

29. “Advice”means a .

A. helping suggest B. helpful suggest C. helpful suggestion D. helpful suggesting

30.Mr ,Smith always makes his class .

A. lively and interested B. lively and interesting C. alive and ingerested D. alive and interesting .

synchronous Test 同步測試(答案)


1.選C。本題考查“give in”和“give up”的用法和區(qū)別?!癵ive in ”的意思是“屈服,讓步,”不符合題意,故A和B可以以排除;“give up”的意思是“放棄”,符合題意,但其中“up”是副詞,不能接賓語,故代詞“it”該放在這個詞組的中間,選擇C。


3.選C。該題中“strict”是形容詞,不可以在句子中作謂語,故可排除A和B;其次“對(某人)嚴格要求”要用“be strict with sb ”因此C正確,而“be strict in ”的意思是“對(工作)嚴格要求”,不符合,D就可以排除。

4.選B?!癴ocus on ”是固定詞組,它的意思是“集中精力于…”。

5.選D。該題主要考查“take ,spend pay”的區(qū)別和用法,它們都有“花費”的意思。“take”作“花費”時,它的主語常用“it”作形式主語,用“動詞不定式”作真正主語。即“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”.故A可以排除;“pay”的主語通常是“人”,主要指花費金錢,不符合題意,故B也可以排除;“spend”的主語通常是“人”常用“spend …doing sth ”和“spend on sth ”故D符合要求。

6.選B。本題主要考查“few ,a few ,little , a little ”的區(qū)別?!發(fā)ittle ,a little”修飾不可數(shù)名詞,因而C和D可以排除;“few, a few ”用來修飾可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形式,“few”的意思是“很少,幾乎沒有”表示否定,而“a few ”的意思是“有一些,有幾個”表示肯定。根據(jù)題意“他只能獨自呆在家里。”推斷出“他幾乎沒有朋友”,所以B正確。

7.選B。 該題主要考查句子的基本結構。句子中“bought me a new watch ”的意思是“給我買了一塊新手表”,行為動詞“bought”帶了兩個賓語,其中“me”指人,叫做“間接賓語”?!癮 new watch ”指物,叫做“直接賓語”,因此答案B正確。

8.選C“Anyone should pay no attention to people who laughs at you .instead you should think about the things they are good .”那是一個人應該有的良好心理品質(zhì)。


10.選B。think 后的賓語從句中,它的否定形式應該前移,這是英語中的習慣表達方法,那么我們就可以排除A和C;其次“soon”的意思是“立刻,馬上”用于一般將來時中,故可以排除D,B正確。類似的動詞還有“believe, suppose, imagine”等,它們都必須將從句中的否定前移。

11.選A?!癳xcited”是過去分詞轉化成的形容詞,表示被動的含義,常用來形容“人”它的主語也常用“人”;“exciting”是現(xiàn)在分詞轉化成的形容詞。具有主動的意思。多用來指“物”它的主語也常用“物”,同時還可作定語,修飾名詞,因而A正確。 類似的還有“interested 和interesting”,“surprised 和surprising” “amazed和amazing”等。

12.選B。因為“上海是中國最大的城市,它比中國的任何一個城市都大。而且上海屬于中國的一個城市,”所以用“any other+單數(shù)名詞”,表示在所屬范圍內(nèi)“某人(物)比其它都….”的含義,具有最高級的意思,“any other”后面一般用單數(shù)名詞。

13.選A。既然是“stay at home ”,顯然是“park”和“cinema”兩地都不去,故用“neither…nor



15.選A。當“enough”作副詞用來修飾形容詞和副詞的時候,它的位置只可以放在形容詞和副詞的后面。故可以排除B和D;同時從“wan,t ”確定它的后面必須用形容詞,故A正確。C可以排除。

16.選B?!皐ill you please do sth ?”和“will you please not do sth?”是習慣重要句型,它們的意思分別是“請你做….好嗎?”“請你不要做… 好嗎?”因此答案B正確。

17.選A。“such”“so”都表示“如此”的意思?!皊uch”是用來修飾名詞,它的結構表達式是“such+a/an+形容詞+名詞”或“such+形容詞+名詞(復數(shù))”;而“so”是用來修飾形容詞和副詞,它的基本結構表達是“so+形容詞或副詞”和“so +形容詞或副詞+a/an+名詞”“以及so+many/much/few /little+名詞”。因而A正確的。

18.選A?!皀one”即可以用來指人也可以指物,它的意思是“沒有人或物,一個也沒有”,后接“of”引導的介詞短語,另外常用來回答以“how many”和“how much”引導的特殊疑問句,故A是正確的。“no one=nobody”,只可以指“人”,意思是“沒有人”,不能與“of”引導的介詞短語連用,故B可以排除;在指“沒有人”時,用“no one/nobody”往往不受范圍的限制,“nothing”和“anything”后面不可以接“of”引導的介詞短語,故C和D可以排除。

19.選C。本題中主語“I”是“TELL”的承受者,而不是執(zhí)行者,所以要填寫的詞用被動語態(tài);“yesterday”表示過去,因此必須用一般過去時的被動語態(tài)形式“was told”,C正確。

20.選B。復合結構“make sb. do sth. ”的被動語態(tài)形式是“be made to do sth.”因而B正確。類似還有“see ,watch, hear, find , let ,make”等。

21.選C。當“hundred, thousand ,million”等前面有具體數(shù)詞時,其后不可以加“S”,也不可以加“OF”,故A、B和D不符合,可以排除,C正確;反之,它們前面沒有具體的數(shù)詞,其后必須加“S”,再加“OF”,才可以用來修飾名詞,構成“hundred of , thousands of , millions of ”短語。

22.選D?!皌he +比較級,the +比較級”是固定結構,它的意思是“越…就越…”。根據(jù)本題的意思“你越細心,錯誤就越少”,“mistake”是可數(shù)名詞,要用“fewer”來修飾,所以D正確。


24.選A。該句子中“had better ”是情態(tài)動詞,后面必須用動詞原形,故可以排除B和D;又因為“put on”的意思是“穿上”,強調(diào)其動作,因此A正確,而“wear”的意思是“穿著”,強調(diào)其狀態(tài),不符合題意,可以排除。

25.選A。該句子考查“make sb. do sth.”的用法,意思是“使(某人)干某事”,故A正確。


27.選A。 根據(jù)第一個句子的意思“他找不到他那只可愛的狗了,”我們可以推斷出,“他看上去是多么的難過,”因而可排除C和D;另外,句子中“LOOK”是系動詞,后面必須用形容詞作表語,所以A正確。

28.選C。因為“of”是介詞,后面必須用動名詞做它的賓語,故A和B可以排作;另外“deal with”是固定詞組,它的意思是“應付,處理,”因而C是正確的。


30.選B。本題考查“alive和lively”以及“interesting 和interested”的區(qū)別?!癮live”是形容詞,它的意思是“活著的”,只可以在句子中做表語,不可以用來做定語,另外它也不符合本題的意思,故C和D可以排除;“l(fā)ively”是形容詞,不是副詞,它的意思是“生動的”,符合本題的意思;其次“interesting”是形容詞,它的意思是“有趣的”,常用來它指代“物”,表示主動的含義,而“interested”是過去分詞轉化成的形容詞,通常用來指代“人”,表示被動的含義,因而B是正確的,A不符合,可以排除。



1) 詞匯:


tense, owner, scientific, pink, lighting, therefore, serve, design, uncomfortable, smoke, mysterious, shiny, silly, skin, cream,

toothpaste, aim, specially, useful, product, confuse, mislead, aim at, for instance, keep out

2) 句型:


loud music makes me tense.

sad movies make her want to leave.

waiting for her made me angry.


1) make sb. / sth. + adj.

2) 感官動詞后作賓補的不定式省略to的用法。


這個單元的語言結構“make + 賓語 + 賓補”很重要,是考試中經(jīng)??嫉降闹R點,這種結構在作文中也很常用。話題“談論事物對自己情緒的影響”也很實用。



unit 4 where’s my backpack?

unit 5 do you have a soccer ball?

unit 10 can you play the guitar?


unit 2 why do you like koala bears?

unit 5 how was your weekend?

unit 9 it’s raining!

unit 10 where did you go on vacation?

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?


unit 1 how often do you exercise?

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?

unit 8 how was your school trip?

unit 11 could you please clean your room?


unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?

unit 8 why don’ t you get her a scarf?

book 5:

unit 4 what would you do?



本課時完成教材section a部分內(nèi)容。讓學生激活已學過的與情感有關的詞匯,引出本單元話題,并了解本單元目標語。教師可以參考教學設計section a: step 1—step 20。


本課時完成教材section a,學習教材p104的3a—activity 4,通過閱讀和口語表達,運用鞏固目標語。教師可以參考教學設計section a: step 21—step 30。


本課時完成教材section b部分內(nèi)容,學習教材p105的1a—2c,在熟悉本單元目標語言的前提下,引入日常情境,介紹更多實用詞匯和場景,進行聽說訓練。教師可以參考教學設計section b: step 1—step 14。


本課時完成教材section b,學習教材p106 的3a—activity 4,通過閱讀和寫作訓練,使學生進一步掌握本單元目標語言。教師可以參考教學設計section b: step 15—step 23。


完成教材self check單元基礎練習檢測和reading。教師可以參考教學設計self check。


revision lesson of unit 13 處理相關練習2。




1. less than少于

2. for instance/for example 例如(such as)

3. help sb do/to do

4. have sales銷售

5. at price/the price of ……價格

6. low/hign price低價/高價

7. the quality of the product產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量

8. at other times

9. the picture in an ad廣告上的圖片

10. at times(=sometimes)有時

11. lead sb to do 引導某人做

12. not…at all

13. after all 畢竟

14. first of all 首先

15. forget to do sth/forget doing sth

16. the art of giving / the art of receiving給予/接受的藝術

17. to be honest老實說

18. pretend (not) to do 假裝(不)做某事

19. She pretended not to know me when we met in the street.我在街上見到她時她裝作不認識我

20. take off/put on脫下穿上

21. would rather do sth更喜歡做某事

22. would rather do A than do B (=prefer to do rather than do )寧愿做A而不愿做B

23. in some cultures 再一些國家的文化中

24. have a saying 依據(jù)諺語

25. prefer A to B(=like A better than B)A 和B比較更喜歡A

26. prefer doing A to doing B 寧愿做A而不愿做B




2)理解句型“how do you do?”和“nice to meet you.”的用法。






2)教授句型“how do you do?”和“nice to meet you.”,讓學生模仿老師說出這兩句話。


4)教授時間和日期,包括用“what time is it?”詢問時間,以及用“whats the date?”詢問日期。















1. 與某人友好相處 get along well with sb.

2. 一次突然的數(shù)學考試 a surprise math test

3. 對……感到慚愧 be / feel ashamed of …

4. 下定決心去做某事 be determined to do sth.

5. 信守諾言 keep one’s word

6. 對著某人大叫 yell at sb.

7. 不能忍受(去做)某事 can’t stand (doing) sth.

8. 向某人道歉 apologize to sb. / make an apology to sb.

9. 一次難以忘懷的經(jīng)歷 an unforgettable experience

10.完全有權利做某事 have every right to do sth.

11.嫉妒某人/某事 feel jealous of …

12.當眾使某人尷尬 embarrass sb. in public

13.首先(強調(diào)順序) first of all

14.熬夜 stay up at night / stay late into the night

15.使某人提起精神 cheer sb. up

16.參加學校羽毛球隊 join the school badminton team

17.等不及去做某事 can’t wait to do sth.

18.在網(wǎng)上聊天 chat on the Internet / chat online

19.阻止某人去做某事 discourage sb. from doing sth.

20.提及,說起 speak of

21.提前 in advance

22.打通……的電話 get through to …

23.除了……之外 apart from

24.替某人保守秘密 keep sb’s secret / keep the secret for sb.

25.責備某人(做了)某事 blame sb. for (doing) sth.

26.將……歸咎/歸罪于某人 blame sb. for sth. / blame sth. on sb.

lay / put the blame on sb. for …

27.因……而應受譴責/應負責任 (sb.) be to blame for … (不用被動語態(tài))

28.全神貫注于…… be absorbed in …

29.到底,究竟 in the world

30.對……有不同的態(tài)度 have / take different attitudes towards …

31.遲豫于去做某事 hesitate to do sth.

32.毫不猶豫地 without hesitation

33.毫無疑問 without doubt

34.以……為基礎/依據(jù) be based on / upon …

35.彼此,互相 one another / each other

36.另一方面 on the other hand

37.不管,不顧 regardless of (prep.)

38.搜尋,尋找 search for / look for

39.加入到救援行動中 be involved in the rescue mission

40.日出/日落時分 at sunrise / at sunset

41.首要的是,最重要的是 above all

42.平靜/鎮(zhèn)定下來 calm down (vi.)

43.使某人/某人自己平靜下來 calm sb. / oneself down (vt.)

44.承認(做過)某事 admit sth. / doing sth. / that …

45.準許某人進入公園/準許入學 admit sb. to the park / the school

46.對準焦距;集中(注意/關心)于…… focus … on …

47.結果 as a result

48.由于,因為 as a result of / because of

49.導致,造成 lead to / result in / contribute to

50.由……所引起 result from

51.對某人刻薄 be mean to sb.

52.對某人殘忍 be cruel to sb.

53.某人不太可能做某事 (sb.) be unlikely to do sth.

54.推遲做某事 delay / put off doing sth.

55.渴望去做某事 be anxious to do sth.

56.為……焦急 be anxious about …

57.遭受嚴重的污染 suffer from serious pollution

58.與……一致 be consistent with …

59.由于某種原因 for one reason or another

60.肯定 for sure


Module3 unit2 language


1. in a broad sense從廣義上講

2. transmit information傳播信息

3. various forms of language語言的各種形式

4. stand for a beaming smile代表燦爛的微笑

5. all over the world/ throughout the world全世界

6. fly in circles 繞圈飛行

7. inform sb of/ about sth.通知某人某事

keep sb informed of sth使某人被通知

8. including sth/ sth included包括某事

9. share sth with sb與某人分享某物

10. make a special Internet language構成一種特殊的因特網(wǎng)語言

11. have some effective methods for studying the English language



1. throughout history貫穿歷史;throughout the world/ all over the world

2. be made up of/consist of由…組成

3. a language with some confusing rules 一種帶有令人迷惑規(guī)則的語言

4. bring sth with sb to sp將某物待在身邊帶到某地

5. at the end of the 9th Century 在九世紀晚期

6. a language called Celtic一種叫做凱爾特的語言

7. be different from與……不同

8. It’s certain that… …是確定的

9. the official language of England英國官方語

10. sb find it hard to do sth覺得做某事很難

11. This is because…/ That is why…表語從句句型

12. have similar meaning in …有類似的意思

13. contribute to / result in/ lead to/cause the development of……導致……的發(fā)展

14. sb take control of控制

15. sb lose control of失去控制

16. be replaced by/ with;設備sb take the place of sb 被…代替

17. despite the fact/ in spite of the fact盡管事實如此

18. have an impact on(the English language)對…巨大沖擊

19. at this point在此期間

20. raise animals 飼養(yǎng)動物

21. the upper/lower class上(下)層階級

22. common people普通人(地位相對低的)

23. by the latter half of the 24th century到24世紀下半葉

24. be adopted by被…采用

25. one’s mother tongue/ one’s native language母語

26. undergo huge changes(underwent, undergone)經(jīng)歷巨大變化/ undergo treatment接受治療

27. continue doing/ continue to do sth繼續(xù)做某事

28. a sequence of events一系列事件

29. relate… to…與…相關

30. official occasions官方正式場合

31. modern English/life/science and technology現(xiàn)代英語/生活/科技

32. make a promise; keep /break one’s promise做許諾;遵守諾言/食言

33. promise to do sth許諾做某事

34. a promising boy一個有前途的男孩

35. disagree with what =everything that =all that sb say

1.The English language is made up of/consists of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.


2.They brought with them their languages, which also mixed with Anglo-Saxon.


3.The language they created is what we now call Old English.


4.Middle English is the name given to the English used from around the 12th to the 16th century.中古英語這個名詞是指大約12世紀至16世紀期間所使用的英語

5.However, the Norman conquest did not have the same result that the Germanic invasion had had about 600 years earlier.


6.The question of English will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.


7.Where a person comes from will affect their style of speech.


8.There are many different dialects of English depending on where people live.


9. We sometimes find it hard to decide which words or phrases to use


10.This is where I disagree.

This is what I disagree to.這就是我不贊同的地方。

Word power & Grammar & Task

1. spoken English/written English口語、書面語

2. a large amount of / a great deal of+不可數(shù)n

3. a large number of/ a great(good) many+可數(shù)n復

4. a large quantity of/plenty of+可數(shù)/不可數(shù)n

5. sort out=arrange安排

6. discard=throw away丟棄

7. I regret to inform you我遺憾地通知你

8. in addition=plus除此之外

9. have a word with=speak to與某人談話

10. have words with sb與某人吵架

11. take sth into consideration考慮某事

12. five permanent members of the UN Security Council五個聯(lián)合國安理會常任理事國

13. take action/measures to do sth采取行動做某事

14. set high standards for設一個標準

15. below standard在標準以下

16. up to the required standard超過被要求的標準

17. make a decision做決定

18. at one time曾經(jīng)(at times 有時候)

19. at a time一次

20. keep … pure使…純化

21. due to/because of/thanks to/ as a result of/owing to由于

22. ban sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

23. easily accessed television programs容易接受的電視節(jié)目have access to

24. get along/on with sb與某人相處

25. There is no need to do sth沒有必要做某事

26. waste time doing sth浪費時間做某事

27. It’s a waste of time to do/doing sth

28. shorten the distance縮短距離

29. embarrass sb into doing sth做某事使某人尷尬

30. refuse to accept an idea拒絕接受一個主意

31. from across the world從全世界

32. adopt one’s suggestion/a new teaching method



1. A differ greatly from B in size and shape

A與B 在尺寸及形狀方面大大不同

2. the very first Chinese characters真正第一批簡體中文

3. change over time隨著時間改變

4. as a whole作為整體

5. on the whole(常用于句首)

6. combine two or more elements together把兩種及更多種元素結合起來

7. the symbol for a man代表人類

8. be the opposite of sth是…的相反

9. Opposite our school are two shops.(倒裝句)

10. Opposite our school is a shop.

11. be highly complex非常復雜

12. reflect one’s thought反應某人的思想

13. simplified Chinese characters簡體中文

14. be widely used in mainland China在中國大陸廣泛使用

15. The way a written language developed can tell us just as much about a culture as the history of a spoken language.書面語發(fā)展方式表示出來的文化就像口語的歷史表示出來的文化一樣。

16. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.


17. Not all characters are used to describe objects.=

All characters are not used to describe objects.=并非所有漢字都用來描述事物的。


教 學 目 標


技能 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice usin g the target language.


方法 1. According to listening to train students’ listening skill.

2.According to oral practice to train students’ speaking skill.




重點 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice using the target language.


難點 Train students’ l istening skill and speaking skill.

教學內(nèi)容及問題情境 學生活動 設計意圖

Step1 Revision

1. Dictate some vocabulary words in units 1~5.

2. Choose four or five words. Encourag e students to make sentences with them.

Step 2 Presentation.


1. Check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.

2. Ask the student s to do the crossword individually or in pairs.

3. Check the answers.


1.Explain to students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activit y 1a.

2.Ask the students to work in pairs.

Ⅲ. 2a

1.Ask the students to pay attention to the four pictures.

2.Play the recording ,students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxes.

3.Check the answers.


1.Set a time limit of two minutes. Students go through the lists of questions.

2.Ask t he students to listen to the same recording again, complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

3.Let students check their answers in pairs, and then with the whole class.

Ⅴ. 2c

1.Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students to work with a partner and use the information in activity 2b.

3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step 3 Summary

Train students’ listening skill and speaking skill.

Step 4 Homework


Write some vocabulary on their exercise book ,and make sentences with some of them.

Read the cl ues and complete the crossword.

Choose words from units 1-5 and write a clue for each word . Read the clues to your partner. He or she guesses the words.

Listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the b oxes.

Listen again . Complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

Role play ,

Practice the conversations in activity 2b with their partner.







Review of units 1~5

The First Period

Target Language:

A: What would you do if you saw a big bicycle accident?

B: If I saw a bicycle accident I would...
















Step 1. 導入


教師:Hello, class. Today were going to learn about self-introduction. Do you know what self-introduction is?

學生:(回答)Introducing oneself to others.

教師:Yes, thats right. Lets begin.


教師:Lets start with some warm-up exercises. Can anyone introduce themselves to the group?


Step 2. 學習新知


What are your hobbies?

What is your name?

What is your age?

What is your family like?

Where are you from?

Do you have any siblings?



教師:Now lets listen to some dialogues. Repeat after me.


教師:Now its your turn to introduce yourself. Write down your name and your hobbies. Please say your name and your hobbies three times.

Step 3. 課堂作業(yè)


Write down your name and your hobbies.

Say your name and your hobbies three times.


Check the homework.

Give feedback to the students.

Step 4. 總結

教師:Thank you for your attention. Have a good day!





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