



在日常工作和生活中,人們通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)進(jìn)行交流,與愛的人每天分享一些鐘情的浪漫句子是必要的,這個(gè)時(shí)候,一個(gè)人的心情或者內(nèi)心的看法,都可以用句子表達(dá)出來。那么,什么樣的句子值得我們摘抄呢?欄目小編特別整理來自網(wǎng)絡(luò)的中秋節(jié)英語祝福語 , 請閱讀后分享你的朋友!

1、May your life be like the moon in Mid Autumn Festival, round and round. Always happy! 愿你的生活就像中秋的月亮,團(tuán)團(tuán)圓圓!永遠(yuǎn)快樂!

2、Particularly that of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people look to the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion ! Wishes you happy holidays! Family reunion !月到中秋分外明,人到中秋望團(tuán)圓!祝您節(jié)日快樂!合家團(tuán)圓!

3、Although you not to eat the moon cakes, but we want to feel like we have the waves to you.雖然沒能吃到你的月餅,但我們想把我們波濤般的心情傳遞給你。

4、Mid Autumn Festival, friendship goes all the way, wish you the most beautiful mood, family reunion. 中秋節(jié),友情一路相隨,愿你心情最美,合家團(tuán)圓。

5、The roundest moon can be seen in the autumn. It is time for reunions. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life. 月到是秋分外明,又是一年團(tuán)圓日,祝你節(jié)日愉快,身體安康

6、There is mockery in ones mouth, and there is no mouthful in anothers mind. To add water to ones mouth is the tide. Mid-Autumn Moon in 1000 miles, midnight tide of 100,000 troops. 有口念做嘲,無口也念朝,去口加水便是潮。一千里色中秋月,十萬軍聲半夜潮。

7、There are long clouds light poems, light poems are in the joy of continuous, the joy of continuous lightly, I have the greetings, a happy Mid-Autumn festival! 悠悠的云里有淡淡的詩,淡淡的詩里有綿綿的喜悅,綿綿的喜悅里有我輕輕的問候,中秋快樂!

8、Tonights moon is so round that I want to hold your hand and enjoy the moon by the sea! I love you! Like this eternal moon! 今晚的月亮好圓,好想牽著你的手在海邊共賞月!我愛你!如這亙古不變的月亮!

9、Send Acacia Thousands of miles in the bright moon! The moon represents my heart! 明月千里寄相思!月亮代表我的心!

10、The moon is priceless, both alpine conditions. To your life like this, like the moon 15, Yuanyuanmanman!明月本無價(jià),高山皆有情。愿你的生活就像這十五的月亮一樣,圓圓滿滿!

11、wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect. 祝你的事業(yè)和生活像那中秋的圓月一樣,亮亮堂堂,圓圓滿滿。

12、bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness. 皓月閃爍,星光閃耀,中秋佳節(jié),美滿快樂!

13、Wish us a long life to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even thousands miles apart.但愿人長久,千里共嬋娟。

14、Mid-Autumn went to far in my home,only one conviction in mind - I wish the pro-family well-being of the peopleforever!


15、Bright moon, sparkling stars, Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 皓月閃爍,星光閃耀,中秋佳節(jié),美滿快樂!

16、Full Moon mid-similar to you and I hope Suisui phase. The sky's Qinghui, over and mercury, that is, we miss each other of dumping.月圓年年相似,你我歲歲相盼。那滿天的清輝,遍地水銀,便是我們互傾的思念。

17、The moon is round in the sky, the people are round in the world, the things in the heart are round, the sky is pleasant and happy! 天上月圓圓,世間人圓圓,心中事圓圓,天隨人意,舒心開懷!

18、To the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moonlight, such as water. Would like to lead your hands together to enjoy the moonlight bath, but - you and I Tiangeyifang!中秋來了,月光如水。想牽著你的手,一同享受月光浴,無奈——你我天各一方!

19、To the Mid-Autumn Festival, the past year, I want to tell you the yearning to Yuelao listen!將我的.真心,放在你的手心,愿你好好珍藏,細(xì)細(xì)呵護(hù)!

20、The Mid-Autumn Festival is here. Happy holidays to you! The earth is too dangerous. Lets go to the moon. 中秋到了,祝你節(jié)日愉快!地球太危險(xiǎn),還是到月球上去吧!

21、Mid-Autumn Festival in China, the National Day shocked the Shenzhou sky, wish all the lover of the world will eventually get married, wish the great motherland prosperity! 中秋傳情中華地,國慶聲震神州天,愿天下有情人終成眷屬,愿偉大祖國繁榮昌盛!

22、May your life be like the fifteen moon, round and full. 愿你的生活就象這十五的月亮一樣,圓圓滿滿。

23、The breeze sent my blessings, and the moon brought my greetings. 清風(fēng)送去了我的祝福,明月帶來了我的問候。

24、Cool weather, warm affection, this season, only miss you! 涼涼天氣,暖暖情意,這個(gè)季節(jié),唯獨(dú)想你!

25、The magpie bridge broke on July 7 and the baby circled on August 15. The Bodhisattva Hospital is warm in the sun and cool in the autumn. The moon is infinite and full. 七月七日鵲橋斷,八月十五月兒圓。日暖秋涼菩提院,月兒無限月長圓。

26、Mid-Autumn Festival every year to the full moon, the full moon is the most Acacia. I wish the Mid-Autumn Festival a happy family reunion! 年年中秋待月圓,月圓最是相思時(shí)。祝中秋佳節(jié),全家團(tuán)圓美滿!

27、Festival times Sze Chen, the round moon is my heart. Fellow think of the moon Trinidad situation, I Zhiyuan you more intimate.中秋佳節(jié)倍思親,圓圓明月是我心。明月千里寄思情,只愿你我更貼心。

28、The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival. I want to say that my heart will always be with you no matter where I am. 每逢佳節(jié)倍思親,我想說,無論我身在何處,無論我人在何方,我的心永遠(yuǎn)和你們在一起!

29、You will know tomorrow will be omnipresent SMS surrounded the outset let me wise blessing over high-rise buildings across the mountains through the streets, and passed the old lady selling tea, into your ear: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!就知道明天你會(huì)被鋪天蓋地的短信包圍,英明的我一早就讓祝??邕^高山越過高樓大廈穿過大街小巷,閃過賣茶葉蛋的老太太,鉆進(jìn)你的耳朵:中秋快樂!

30、I will tell you the phone numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he would help to the Mid-Autumn full moon night, I tell you; I thought you, I am your mind, heart, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!我將你的手機(jī)號(hào)碼告訴了一個(gè)陌生人,他叫月老,他會(huì)在中秋月圓夜要幫我告訴你;我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快樂!

31、section of a red bean, I will let the moon with me during a full moon cakes! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival! 一縷情思一棵紅豆,月圓時(shí)分我會(huì)讓玉兔送去我特制的月餅!祝中秋節(jié)快樂!

32、The Mid-Autumn Festival full moon is more round, fat you can go to reunite with people, because you are the most round. 中秋月圓人更圓,胖嘟嘟的你可以去與人團(tuán)聚,因?yàn)槟闶亲顖A的。

33、Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 祝你和你的家人中秋快樂!

34、When a full moon is a time when I miss you! No matter how far we distance, stop I deeply miss to you! 月圓的時(shí)候就是我想念你們的時(shí)候!無論我們的距離多遙遠(yuǎn),都擋不住我對你深深的思念!

35、The moon is boundless and the world is full of affection. May you have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and have a happy reunion with your family. 風(fēng)月無邊,人間有情,愿你中秋快樂,能與家人過一個(gè)美滿的團(tuán)圓節(jié)。

36、The moon is round, two emotions lingering, close to the horizon, what is the best time? 月兒圓圓,兩情綿綿,咫尺天涯,何為佳期?

37、Stars shine on nine continents, the moon sends love; thousands of miles apart, two hearts depend on each other. 繁星耀九洲,明月寄相思;千里人相隔,兩心遙相依。

38、Ancient people often feared the arrival of autumn festival, but my generation only hated the late arrival of autumn. The golden cinnamon fragrance Festival arrives, celebrating the reunion day everywhere. Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 古人??智锕?jié)至,我輩唯恨秋來遲。金桂飄香佳節(jié)到,普天同慶團(tuán)圓日。中秋節(jié)快樂!、

39、In this special day, send a touch of Qingxiang,灑脫fun for your blessing! Afar you, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!在這特別的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,為你灑脫繽紛的祝福!遠(yuǎn)方的你,中秋節(jié)快樂!

40、How can any of a thousand miles peace ?and is sent away to miss. , Followed by love and care, deep affection and good wishes, the Mid-Autumn joy!千里試問平安否?且把思念遙相寄。綿綿愛意與關(guān)懷,濃濃情意與祝福,中秋快樂!

41、People think of pro-fold during the festive season, I think, more pro-when you think of. You think when the full moon.人說每逢佳節(jié)倍思親,我道思親之時(shí)更思你。想你就在月圓時(shí)。

42、On the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you all the best. 中秋佳節(jié),祝福合家美滿,萬事如意。

43、The spring river is full of tides and the sea is full of bright moons. People are reunited with each other. The sound of blessings accompanies you. Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 春江潮水連海平,海上明月共潮生,花好月圓人團(tuán)聚,祝福聲聲伴你行。中秋快樂!

44、The sky a bright moon, video card two Bingxin.天上一輪明月,映證兩顆冰心。

45、The moon is full again. You are as perfect as my heart. Your success and mine will begin today. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 月又圓了,你和我的心同樣的圓滿,你我的成功就從今天開始。中秋節(jié)日快樂哦!

46、No matter where you are from, regardless that we gather and leave, all those blessings are forever linked in my mind. I wish you success and only things beautiful! 無論天南海北,不論相聚與離別,有份祝福永遠(yuǎn)掛在我心中,祝你一切圓滿美好!

47、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Mid Autumn Festival. 中秋佳節(jié),愿你合家歡樂,幸福美滿。

48、Haven't hear your voice, no one to hear me talk for a long time, in the Mid-Autumn festival, miss you so much, zhu jiankang is happy! 好久沒有聽到你的聲音,好久沒有人聽我談心,在中秋月圓之時(shí),真的好想你,祝健康快樂!

49、Make skin with romance; make filling with warmth; make eggs king with happiness; people who know taste need not be many, it's better to have only one of you! 用浪漫做皮;用溫馨做餡;幸福做蛋王;懂得品味的人不需要多,只有你一個(gè)!

50、Mid-Autumn day looked at the bright moon, bowed their heads and old friend, although I was miss you, but I won't be lonely, because I share it with you in the same round of the moon。 中秋節(jié)抬頭望明月,低頭思故人,雖然我很是想你,但我不會(huì)寂寞,因?yàn)槲遗c你在分享同一輪明月。

51、Send a round cake, a round heart, a round love and a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 送1個(gè)圓圓的餅,獻(xiàn)1顆圓圓的心,寄1份圓圓的情,圓1個(gè)圓圓的夢。中秋節(jié)快樂!

52、Husband and wife are a whole circle, without which one, the circle can not turn, so we can not separate. 夫妻就是一個(gè)整圓,缺了哪一個(gè),圓就轉(zhuǎn)不起來了,所以我們不能分離。

53、bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.皓月閃爍,星光閃耀,中秋佳節(jié),美滿快樂!

54、East or west, home is best.金窩,銀窩不如自己的狗窩。zqmbj.cn

55、The autumn breeze is clear, the autumn moon is bright, Acacia meets, know when? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 秋風(fēng)清,秋月明,相思相見,知何日?祝中秋節(jié)快樂!

56、Sweet cakes will be served with my blessings. Wish you a successful life and a bright future. 送上香甜的月餅,連同一顆祝福的心...愿你過的每一天都象十五的月亮一樣成功!

57、Family, heart connected, with love around a large circle, even if the dream is far away, home will be reunited. 一家人,心相連,用愛圍一個(gè)大圈圈,夢就算,再遙遠(yuǎn),心里有家就會(huì)大團(tuán)圓。

58、My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.在月色廖人的`夜里,我是如此的想念你,親愛的你聽到我的心跳了嗎?

59、Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同賞月嗎?

60、The Mid-Autumn Festival does not give gifts, Clockwork SMS blessing you, with your long healthy and happy, good luck and you do not separation! 祝福你天天快樂。 Wish you a happy day. 中秋佳節(jié)不送禮,發(fā)條短信祝福你,健康快樂長伴你,好運(yùn)和你不分離!

61、Meanwhile, the yearning season, I will besincere and best wishes to concentrate messages with care and thought With theairwaves towards you 中秋,思念的時(shí)節(jié),我將真誠與祝福濃縮至短信,帶著關(guān)懷與思念,隨電波飛向你。  

62、May my blessing accompany you to the Mid Autumn Festival, and all happy and well received! 愿我的祝福陪你度中秋,幸福美好全部接收!

63、When the wind blows, I miss you. When the moon is full, I am thinking of you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, remember to keep in touch. 當(dāng)風(fēng)起的時(shí)候,我在想你。當(dāng)月圓的時(shí)候,我在念你。中秋快樂,記得常聯(lián)系。

64、The moon this priceless, mountains all sentient beings。 Lu yao li, difficult lovesickness。 Man is not, the heart yearning。 I sincerely wish you and your family a happy happy reunion, happy life! 明月本無價(jià),高山皆有情。路遙千里,難斷相思。人雖不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人團(tuán)圓美滿,幸福安康!

65、Month as do hope tonight, do not know the autumn thoughts。 Send you sweet moon cakes, along with a blessing heart! 今夜月明人盡望,不知秋思落誰家。送上香甜的月餅,連同一顆祝福的心!


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