
有關(guān)Unit7 Follow me The second period(第二課時)的教案



在開展教學(xué)工作之前,老師要承擔(dān)起對每一位同學(xué)的教學(xué)責(zé)任。教案課件是老師上課中很重要的一個課件,教案有利于老師在課堂上與學(xué)生更好的交流。那么,你有沒有收集優(yōu)秀的小學(xué)英語教案呢?考慮到您的需要,小編特地編輯了“有關(guān)Unit7 Follow me The second period(第二課時)的教案”,僅供您在工作和學(xué)習(xí)中參考。

一、 新授內(nèi)容(new? contents):

1.say? a? rhyme: follow? me.

hands? up!

hands? down!

follow? me,

and? turn? around.

2.play? a? game. an? eye.


1.能聽懂、會說歌謠follow? me。



多媒體?? 圖片


step1. preparation


2.sing? a? song

step2. revision.

1.listen? and? do.

touch? your? mouth/nose…

2.ask? the? students? to? introduce? their? features? in? english.


1.open? the? book? then? discuss? the? picture.

2.read? the? rhyme? slowly.

show? a? picture? of? “hands? up”.then? ask? students? to? read.read? after? the? teacher.

the? same? way? to? teach“hands? down.”and“turn? around.”


1.listen? to? the? tape? and? try? to? repeat?

2.listen? and? do.


1.practice? in? pairs.

2.act? out.

step6.homework .


2023教案Unit 4 My bag 第二課時



1)能聽說單詞book, bag, pencil, pencil box.


3)能聽說句子this is a…



1. 媒體準備:圖片、單詞卡片、歌曲磁帶


本課中的句子例如:this is a book.. 對于一些從來沒有接觸過英語的小朋友來說比較困難,為了解決這一教學(xué)難點,可從以下方面做努力:


2) 多創(chuàng)設(shè)學(xué)生間的合作交流的機會,促進學(xué)生的口語表達能力。



pre-task preparation:warmer


2. listen and act.(tape and recorder)

?? t: ask pupils to answer the questions.

3.t: ask the pupils to listen and follow the teacher.

a)? sit down, please.

b)? put it down.

c)? show me your book.

d)? open your book

e)? close your book.

f)? show me your pencil-box.

g)? open your pencil-box.

h)? show me two pencils.

i)? close your pencil-box.

請學(xué)生跟著老師“聽聽做做說說”。在聽聽做做說說中感知句子的含義。既加大了語言輸入量,又調(diào)節(jié)了課堂氣氛。使學(xué)生在輕松、愉快的氛圍中進行聽說訓(xùn)練。 while-task procedure

1.? song“a pencil ”

2.? introduction : this is a book.

3.? open books and read a learn to say .


what is it?this is a …..

(tape and recorder)

1.enjoy the english song to elicit? t: show the object to? pupils

2.t: ask pupils to follow and repeat? t-ps( passing game)

3: t: ask pupils to pass the apple and say “this is a book ” one by one

4. t: ask pupils to describe “book”


what is it?guessing game(guess the word)

1. t:ask pupils to guess the word by giving the riddle.? pn: guess 通過猜謎游戲引出新單詞,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。


3. question?

4. read the book again

5.introduction this is a …..

imitation and playing a game

one , two , three . put the book in the bag .

one , two , three . put the pencil in the pencil box .借助實物,通過游戲讓學(xué)生在猜一猜、玩一玩過程中學(xué)習(xí)。讓學(xué)生在邊玩中操練句子this is a … .讓學(xué)生在玩中學(xué),在學(xué)中玩,使學(xué)生在游戲中習(xí)得語言。通過提問,提供學(xué)生運用語言表達思想的機會。培養(yǎng)學(xué)生善表達、能交際的能力。

imitation and read the word card.

post-task activityactivity:

1.reading the new words.

2. practise sentence? this is an/a…? (pictures and word card)

ask pupils to read the new words.(pupils show objects)

ask pupils to practise sentence in pairs.? ps: pair works.

select pairs to practise to the class.

sing the english song“a pencil ”通過活動,學(xué)生在輕松愉快的環(huán)境中進行句型操練,把單詞放在句型中操練,把單詞教學(xué)與句子教學(xué)整合起來。讓學(xué)生在輕松快樂的歌曲中有效的鞏固所學(xué)單詞。


1. read page18-19after the tape


有關(guān)Unit 1 New Year 第一課時(1ST PERIOD)教案

一、主要新授內(nèi)容(new contents)

let’s learn---uncle, aunt

let’s talk--- how are you? i am fine, thank you./ very well, and you?



2、在“新年到,家人、親朋好友相互拜訪”的語言使用環(huán)境中,能用正確的語音語調(diào)說出uncle, aunt兩個新授詞匯;能夠根據(jù)家庭成員的關(guān)系在口語中正確表達uncle, aunt的稱謂。

3、在一年級第一學(xué)期的學(xué)習(xí)基礎(chǔ)上,能熟練運用how are you? fine, thank

you./i am fine, thank you./ very well, and you?等簡單語句進行相互問候。


學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)能力和語言的實際使用對教材呈現(xiàn)的教學(xué)內(nèi)容進行拓展,所以在口語導(dǎo)入just so-so. not bad.等等生活中同樣常用、表達意思不同的多種簡單回答,有助于學(xué)生在實際生活中對語言的理解和表達更為準確和真實。


1、任務(wù)前期準備階段(pre-task preparation section)

?? pre-task preparation是指我們要求學(xué)生運用目的語(即所學(xué)的語言)之前,呈現(xiàn)給學(xué)生的新語言材料。也就是我們常說的:input。在這個環(huán)節(jié)主要讓學(xué)生獲得對新語言材料的第一次感知。

activity 1 (song)




2.活動過程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song “happy new year” & calendar “jan. 1st”一邊聽“新年快樂”的歌曲一邊看屏幕上映出的1月1日的日歷一開始讓學(xué)生聽有關(guān)新年的歌曲,營造出新年的氣氛,讓學(xué)生直接進入本課的語言使用環(huán)境中2questions & answers教師通過類似“l(fā)ook, it’s jan. 1st.new year is coming! do you know the song? can you sing the song? are you happy?… …等讓學(xué)生明白一月一日是新年的日期,同時使學(xué)生體會到新年的快樂activity 2 rhyme1、教學(xué)輔助(aids)1)電腦(1b-u1-2)2)屏幕2.活動過程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1question用this is may. she is happy. look and listen, who is coming?提示學(xué)生注意媒體上出現(xiàn)的人物與學(xué)過的兒歌引起學(xué)生對于要復(fù)習(xí)的兒歌的回憶2rhyme “my father is coming di-di. …my mother is coming. di-di.… …”集體朗誦兒歌輸入語言使用環(huán)境后,可以通過復(fù)習(xí)father, mother, brother,以及how are you?句型,幫助學(xué)生先回憶學(xué)過的內(nèi)容,為本教時學(xué)習(xí)另外兩種回答作鋪墊activity 3 (song)1、教學(xué)輔助(aids)1)錄音機2)圖片2.活動過程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song “happy new year” & calendar “jan. 1st”學(xué)生一邊聽錄音機播放“新年快樂”的歌曲一邊教時出示的1月1日的日歷一開始讓學(xué)生聽有關(guān)新年的歌曲,營造出新年的氣氛,讓學(xué)生直接進入本課的語言使用環(huán)境中2questions & answers教師通過類似“l(fā)ook, it’s jan. 1st.new year is coming! do you know the song? can you sing the song? are you happy?… …等

有關(guān)上海牛津1A Unit1 Period7教案

period 7teaching aids: cassette player. real object (paper, pencil, ruler, rubber, pen, book)procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

preparation1. warming-uplet pupils do “roll, roll, roll” game.(first)t: what?p: a pencil.t: here you are.p: thank you.(then)p1-p2/p1.p2-p3.p4p1.p2.p3.p4-p5.p6.p7.p8“滾雪球”游戲是在老師給出一個model之后,讓學(xué)生將這段內(nèi)容一傳二,二傳四地傳播開來。這種形式的操練可讓學(xué)生在最短的時間內(nèi),有充分的語言交流機會,使全體學(xué)生都處于語言操練的氣氛之中。2. daily talktalk about the objects in the classroom.t: what can you see in the pencil-box?p: i can see…t: what can you see in the classroom?p: i can see bag/book/…用看得見模得著的實物來復(fù)習(xí)單詞,操練句型,體現(xiàn)語言的交際性。同時可自然地引出下面的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容。3. an activityask pupils to answer questionsif the pupils’ answers are right, awards to them.t: what can you see on the desk?p: i can see a …(book e.g.)t: yes. a star for you.p: i can see a …t: yes. a star for you.一年級的新生對粘紙會有興趣,因此當學(xué)生答對后用五星粘紙當獎品,會激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。由于教師的話語,學(xué)生可在自然的狀態(tài)下了解…for you 的意思。while-task

procedure1. learn: one for…1.t: look! so many stars.one for you, one for me.one for you and one for me.follow me to say, please.(body language)p: one for you, one for me.(body language)2. t: now if you have got a box of chocolates and you want to share with us. you can say…p: one for you, one for me.通過教師的形體語言,學(xué)生容易理解for you /for me 的意思。學(xué)生經(jīng)過機械模仿,可熟悉新單詞和句型。2. situational dialogueif there are two desks here, what can you say to your deskmate?p1: one for you, one for me.p2: a desk, a desk for you and me.t: excellent.創(chuàng)設(shè)一些情景,讓學(xué)生感受for you/for me的實際運用。 3. a gameshow pupils a sentence or write a sentence on the blackboard.(pair work)p1 (face to the blackboard)say the sentence to p2p2 (back to the blackboard)listen and repeat the sentence.sentence 1: i can see a pencil.sentence 2: i can see a ruler.sentence 3: paper, a pencil for you and me.這個游戲是通過看、聽、說環(huán)節(jié)初步培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的閱讀、聽力和表達的能力。4. a rhymeask pupils to follow the tape to read the rhyme.?post-task

activitiesmake a new rhyme(pair work)ask pupils make a new rhyme according to the rhyme just learned with the objects in the classroom.讓學(xué)生嘗試根據(jù)教室里或書包里的實物,編出新的兒歌。assignmentwork book p4circle the words that you learnt today.?【教案設(shè)計說明】剛?cè)雽W(xué)的學(xué)生在接觸牛津英語教材時,會被其中的圖片所吸引,產(chǎn)生濃厚的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。牛津英語的特點之一就是插圖形象生動,趣味性強,圖文并茂;牛津英語的特點之二就是教學(xué)內(nèi)容具有很濃的生活氣息,這為我們進行情境教學(xué)創(chuàng)造了有利的條件。作為老師,我們的任務(wù)就是利用課本,靈活多變地創(chuàng)設(shè)情境,活化教材,讓學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語,運用英語,激發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣。本課的引入部分及操練部分都體現(xiàn)了這些特點。在daily talk中,老師安排了一個與實際環(huán)境相結(jié)合的情景,讓學(xué)生通過觀察教室,運用已學(xué)的詞匯回答what can you see in the classroom?這樣一問就使學(xué)生自然地要去觀察教室。在新授后的操練中,老師創(chuàng)設(shè)了一個與生活實際相結(jié)合的情景。在學(xué)了…for you and me之后,老師設(shè)計了一個情景,你有一包巧克力想與人分享,你該怎么說?這是活化教材的進一步體現(xiàn)。通過創(chuàng)設(shè)一個與生活實際相結(jié)合的情景,學(xué)生在操練for you/for me 的同時,也體會著與人分享的快樂。課堂教學(xué)要體現(xiàn)的交際化和情境化,應(yīng)該是英語教師不斷鉆研和嘗試的目標。


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