



作文50字六年級上冊 篇1






作文50字六年級上冊 篇2

Hello! My name is Zhou Yanling. I am in Class 2, Grade 4. This is my school. It is big and nice. We have many classrooms. My classroom is on the third floor. It’s big and clean. The teachers’ office is on the second floor. The art room is on the fourth floor. It’s next to the computer room. We can draw pictures in the art room. The music room is on the fourth floor, too. We can sing and dance in the music room. There is a library in our school. There are many books in the library. We often read books in the library. I like my school.

作文50字六年級上冊 篇3








作文50字六年級上冊 篇4

Shanghai is a beautiful city.

There are many tall buildings in Shanghai and the air in Shanghai is fresh and there are many green trees and flowers, birds are singing everywhere.

Shanghai is a big international city, many people come from different places and countries are doing business here,Shanghai people are very nice and friendly.




作文50字六年級上冊 篇5






作文50字六年級上冊 篇6

On Sunday, I was playing in the wilderness with my brother and little brother. There are dense branches and leaves, and the fruits on the trees are fragrant. The blue sky is filled with white clouds, and birds chirp and sing for the earth. The mountain is so high that it extends into the clouds, and the top cannot be seen at a glance. The river flows with a gurgling sound, as if telling us what to play with.

"By the way, brother, youre the eldest. You cover your eyes and come catch us." I came up with a fun idea.

"Alright, Im here to catch it!" said the brother, blindfolded with a handkerchief.

My younger brother and I were trembling and dodging, afraid of being caught by him. Even the clouds in the sky are hiding, birds are flying around, and everyone is playing games.

"Look at me!" My brother stole a glance and suddenly caught me. "Hehe, my peeping trick works!" Brother chuckled and said.

"Hmph, Ill see what you see later," I said defiantly.

Its my turn to catch it. "Take it easy, Xiaocan, take it easy." I thought to myself that I couldnt lose to my brother. Dressed up in casual attire, I searched around and took advantage of the empty space where my brother and brother were discussing hiding. I came to hunt down a hungry wolf and caught them all in one go.

"Yeah! I caught you two!" I jumped three feet high happily and said, "Hows it going? My little trick is not bad either!"

"Okay, okay, its okay with you. If I lose, okay?" Brother had no choice but to admit defeat.

"Sister, youre amazing!" Haha! My younger brother is also praising me!

Sunday is a happy day and also the most beautiful day of my week! What about you?[好工具范文網(wǎng) fanwen.HaO86.coM]












作文50字六年級上冊 篇7

During the summer vacation, my mother took me, cousin, Xiao Zhu, and grandmother to Shanghai with a tour group. We were so excited at that time. Because this is my first time visiting Shanghai, I heard that Shanghai is a famous metropolis both domestically and internationally. I have long wanted to go and see it. We left Xianju by minibus.

After more than 6 hours, we entered the urban area of Shanghai. At first glance, I saw towering skyscrapers rising from the ground and soaring into the clouds; Overpasses are built one after another, shuttling back and forth. We exclaimed in unison, "Ah... really tall! Really big!" Then, arranged by our tour guide, we checked into the Green Garden Hotel near the Huangpu River.

That evening, we took a cruise on the Huangpu River. On the ship, looking at both sides from afar, we could only see colorful neon lights dancing and welcoming us warmly; The tall Oriental Pearl TV Tower Tower, set off by the lights, looks particularly dazzling; There are also various styles of foreign buildings that candidly tell us about the prosperous history of Shanghai; There are also two cable-stayed bridges spanning the Huangpu River - Nanpu Bridge and Xiepu Bridge, grandly showcasing the miracle of Chinas development to the world. The night in Shanghai is so charming!

The next day, we also visited the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower Tower and the Wildlife Park. Along the way, we had a lot of fun and gained a lot.

We bid farewell to Shanghai reluctantly as we were about to go home. Shanghai is really bustling with towering buildings and bustling traffic.






作文50字六年級上冊 篇8

I unknowingly came to the city of Shanghai, which many world-renowned cities boast about.

This city has a history of one hundred or thousands of years, and among them, there is one city that, compared to other cities, is only considered a teenager. Although this city has existed there for centuries, it was not until the 20th century that Shanghai began to prosper. However, in a global competition for power and influence, this young city is not inferior to its other world-class competitors.

I came to the Yu Garden, which I have always dreamed of, with the tourist group. Yu Garden is located in Yu Garden Road, Nanshi District, Shanghai. Built during the Jiajing, Longqing, and Wanli periods of the Ming Dynasty (1559-1577 AD), this famous garden, covering an area of about 5 hectares, took 18 years to complete. The name of Yu Garden is derived from the meaning of "happy parents, enjoying life". Pan Yunduan, the former Sichuan governor for over 400 years, specially hired the highly skilled horticulturist Zhang Nanyang to personally supervise the construction. The garden design is exquisite, with a reasonable layout that reflects reality and virtuality, and the density is appropriate. It has the characteristic of seeing the big from the small, and is rich in the artistic style of Jiangnan garden architecture from the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was once praised as "the most beautiful in Jiangnan". The most important attractions include the famous Jiangnan Stone and Jade Linglong, Sansui Hall, Yangshan Hall, Dianchun Hall, Deri Tower, Wanhua Tower, Liangyi Pavilion, Yule Pavilion, and Darockery.




作文50字六年級上冊 篇9

Weekends are a lovely and joyful time, without classes or work. You can sleep until you wake up naturally, travel, and eat delicious food; On weekends, besides enjoying happiness, one can also have a meaningful time.

This weekend, I will participate in the schools Red Cross teams activity of caring for the elderly. We will go to the elderly care home in Jianshanpi to accompany those elderly people for a day. Living with my grandparents at home and accompanying them in the nursing home should be very convenient.

However, I am a "car sick expert". On the way, I "catch rabbits" and vomit all over my body, emitting a foul odor. Fortunately, my older sisters take good care of me and help me clean it up. Otherwise, I would be ashamed to see anyone. Sigh! Its embarrassing to be taken care of before taking care of others.

At the destination, the teacher asked us to find an elderly person ourselves and be his assistant all day, chatting, eating, and exercising with him. I was worried about not knowing which one to look for when an old lady walked towards me and asked, "Sister, can I join you?" The old man meant, how can I refuse?

This grandma regards me as her granddaughter, and we hold hands and go hiking together. My physical strength is not good, my grandmother helped me wipe off my sweat and gave me water to drink at once. Grandma told a lot of stories about her, and I didnt know what to say. I just laughed and listened to her talk. We had a wonderful day, but I felt like it wasnt me taking care of Grandma, but rather letting her take care of me.

When I left, my grandmother held my hand, smiled, and kept saying thank you to me. Suddenly, I felt like crying. My grandmother has no blood relationship with me, but she loves me very much. I held back my tears and said goodbye to her while holding her in my arms. In the future, if there is a chance, I will come again and enjoy a day of ancestral love with my grandparents.







作文50字六年級上冊 篇10

Hi ! My name is 小明 . I am a student . Last weekend was happy . I went to Beijing with my mother . I visited the Great Wall . It was great . We took pictures and ate fresh food .

Wow ! We had a good time there!

你好我的名字是小明 . 我是一名學(xué)生。上周末很開心。我和媽媽一起去了北京。我參觀了長城。太棒了。我們拍了照片,吃了新鮮的食物。



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