




外研版八年級下冊英語Module 2 Friendship Unit1教


作者:admin 資源來源:本站原創(chuàng) 點擊數(shù):


1.《新標準》英語采用發(fā)現(xiàn)式語法學(xué)習(xí)法: 呈現(xiàn)---提問---發(fā)現(xiàn)---總結(jié),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生自主學(xué)習(xí)的能力。賓語從句是初中階段較難掌握的,在JEFC教材中出現(xiàn)在九年級,現(xiàn)提早了一個學(xué)期,所以難度較大。這需要老師很好地設(shè)計課堂教學(xué)活動。












2)能夠理解下列單詞和詞組:a couple of, junior high school









教學(xué)重點: 正確運用賓語從句描述友誼。

教學(xué)難點: 賓語從句的引導(dǎo)詞、語序及時態(tài)。


Step 1 Warming up

are you from? is his name?

do you ask? do you ask?

ask where you are ask what his name is.設(shè)計意圖 通過問與答的形式,呈現(xiàn)賓語從句,為下異步的操練做準備。

Step 2 Pair work

are you from? is your good friend from?

S1: Where are you from? S1: Where is your good friend from?

S2: I am from… S2: My good friend…is from…

S1: S2 says that he / she is from… S1: S2 says that …

設(shè)計意圖 聯(lián)系學(xué)生生活實際,體現(xiàn)用中學(xué)原則。用地圖操練鞏固目標句型---that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。

Step 3 Group work

something about my good friend

S1 has heard that Sally…

S2 knows that Sally…

S3 says that Sally…

I think that Sally…

設(shè)計意圖 通過談?wù)撌煜と宋?Sally, 進一步加強目標語的操練。同時,相互交流和幫助又培養(yǎng)了合作精神。

Step 4 Presentation


you ever made telephone calls?

Who do you usually call?

a telephone call with a the other students an example.(suppose tomorrow is Saturday, you want to invite someone to have a picnic with you.)

T: Hello, this is Miss Wu I speak to LiHui?

S1: Hello, Miss Wu, this is LiHui are you?

T: I'm fine , ,LiHui, we are going to have a picnic tomorrow, would you like to go with us?

S1: Great!I'd love and where shall we meet?

T: Let's meet at half pass 8, at our school : Ok, see you : See you and find out:

What do Ann's mother and Bill talk about on the phone?

(事先交代情景: Ann's classmate Bill called Ann wasn't 's mother answered the phone.)

Expressions of making telephone calls:

Hello!Could I speak to Ann, please?

I'm afraid she isn't here right I take a message for you?

This is 'll give her the message…

設(shè)計意圖 新語言項目在情景中自然呈現(xiàn),比較中、英文打電話的不同用語,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生判斷、總結(jié),從而達到理解、學(xué)習(xí)并運用語言的目的。充分體現(xiàn)了學(xué)習(xí)的過程。

Step 5 Practice

and find out how many people you hear.(Turn to page 10-1)

and number the order.(Turn to page 10-2)

a telephone telephoned Father wasn't answered the telephone.(用兩只電話機讓學(xué)生在課堂上表演)

Activity 5, 2, 3, 4

設(shè)計意圖 在常規(guī)聽力練習(xí)中進一步提高學(xué)生聽的能力,在盡可能真實的情景中鞏固打電話用語。

Step 6 Presentation Why does Sally call Chen Huan?

設(shè)計意圖 激發(fā)求知欲望。順利進入新課的學(xué)習(xí)。

Step 7 Listening and reading:(Turn to Page 10-3)

and answer the questions:

1)How many persons are there in the dialogue?

2)Where are they?

and answer(必須用賓語從句回答)

1)What does Chen Huan say? He says that…

2)What does Sally say? She says that …

and check(√)the true sentences.(Turn to Page 11-4)

設(shè)計意圖 聽讀兩方面入手,由易到難,層層推進,重視對學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)能力和技巧的培養(yǎng)。

Step8 Exercise

the words with their and answer the questions about the words in the box.(Turn to p11-5)

設(shè)計意圖 由單詞的復(fù)習(xí)過渡到句子的復(fù)習(xí),既培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在語境中理解、識記單詞的能力,又為新課的學(xué)習(xí)起到較好的鋪墊作用。


your teacher

假設(shè)10年后,你參加工作,當(dāng)了一名記者,回來看望老師。學(xué)生自由向老師提問,老師重復(fù)學(xué)生的問題,很自然地引出新知識---疑問句的賓語從句。: Miss Ni, do you still like teaching English?

T: S1 wants to know if I still like teaching 'm glad to tell you that I like teaching English very .給好朋友打個電話,請他來參加你的生日晚會。






Lesson 33 教學(xué)設(shè)計

Teaching content:

1. new words: living room, kitchen, bathroom

2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s arriving in Canada

3. let sb. do sth.

4. introduce sth./sb. to sb.

Lesson objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for transportation

3. write something about means of transportation

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

Key points

1. the usage of let

2. introduce sth. to sb.

Difficult points: the usage of let

Teaching aids: a picture of living room/ kitchen/ bathroom, some cards, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

Introduce the topic for Unit 5. Please read about introducing units in “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

There are two reading for this lesson. Teach the first reading. The second reading is for students to use independently.

The readings present new vocabulary and review vocabulary the students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

Can, on foot, take a plane/train

Can/could I/you…?

Of course.

Oral Vocabulary

Rapid, transportation, type (n.)

Before you begin the reading, introduce unit project 1. See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about introducing unit projects. Also see the Unit 5 introductory page in this teacher’s guide. Instructions for unit project 1 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about teaching readings.

Step l: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Use your discretion to decide whether you want to spend some time on the new vocabulary. You may want to ask students to explain the meaning of some sentences containing key words. What strategies did they use to puzzle out the meanings? Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong. It may be helpful to write the following phrases on a large piece of paper or on the blackboard, as a review. This will be helpful for students to refer to in the next step.

(to go) on foot

take a bus/taxi/car

ride a bike/the train

(to go to someplace) in a car

If you wish, you may say something about the word type in comparison with' the word kind, which the students learned in the last unit.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to talk about their usual means of transportation in moving around the city and travelling around the country. Encourage students to use the phrases that you have listed as well as to borrow phrases and sentence patterns from the text.

Step 4:Ask for three volunteers to act out the text.

They can choose to read aloud their lines from the reading. They can also improvise and create lines of their own.

Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (15 minutes)

Begin unit project 1. This project covers three lessons. Working in groups,' students will complete a project to present to the class.

Divide the class into small groups of three or four students. Each group chooses a type of transportation for the project. Instruct students to begin collecting information about that type of transportation. They will prepare a comic strip or timeline of important dates in its development.

Teaching tip

Set up a contest for good group work.

Here's a way to encourage good group work among your students.

Tell the class that each group starts with a score of ten in each of these categories: project plan, cooperation, use of English, quietness, progress, final product. Write these across the top of the blackboard. Along the left side Of the blackboard, write a list of the groups names.

Add or subtract scores according to each group's performance. For example, if a group is trying to use a lot of English, give it two points (so now it has twelve points in that category). If a group is working with too much noise, subtract a point from that group in that category.

Keep track of the scores each day over the course of a project. What group has the highest score?

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks:

Write the words you hear.

Dinosaur Fun Park

Hi, this is Danny: I will tell you a story about my trip to Dinosaur Fun Park!

Dinosaur Fun Park is a fun place for dinosaurs. There is lots of dinosaur food there. Dinosaur food is very good for dinosaurs. It is like people food, but it is bigger. Dinosaur cookies are as big as kitchen tables. There are lots of dinosaur games, too. Many dinosaurs play dinosaur ping-pong. It is like people ping-pong, but the ball is bigger. Dinosaur ping-pong uses a basketball!

I loved Dinosaur Fun Park, but I am too small to live there. If I grow bigger, maybe I will visit again!

Class closing (5 minutes)

Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much. reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the first reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 34 教學(xué)設(shè)計

Teaching content

1. new words: refrigerator, inside, wash, juice, pass, knife, mine

2. a dialogue about having breakfast

3. the usage of would like

4. introduce sth.

Lesson objectives

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know something about the development of the airplane

3. write something about airplanes

Key points

1. Time for sth. =It’s time for sth. =It is time to do sth.

2. What would you like? I would like…

Difficult points: would like to do sth.

Teaching aids: a picture of stove/ refrigerator, sink, some real things or some pictures of food, audiotape

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

airport, passenger, station, railway, fly

Oral Vocabulary


For general suggestions about teaching immersion reading, please see “Teaching Techniques” in the back of this guide. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask if they know anything about airplanes beyond what is said in the reading.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. You can decide whether you think it is necessary to spend some time on the new vocabulary.

Step 3: Ask the students to work individually to summarize the main ideas of the reading in five or six sentences.

Stop 4: Ask for one or two volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class. Do other students agree with what has been presented as the main ideas? Discuss as a class. Use as much English as possible.

Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (continued) (15 minutes)

Continue unit project 1. Students continue to work on their projects. Advise students that they should finish the projects during this lesson. They will present their projects during the next lesson.

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow 'the instructions.

a. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Hi. Do you remember me? My name is Chad! I invented the dog-waterer. Do you have one yet? Thanks to me, there are no more thirsty dogs!

My family went on a trip this summer. We went on a ship. Passengers on the ship could sleep or play games. There were swimming pools and movie theatres on the ship! Our rooms were very big.

My mum and dad liked the ship. They did not have to cook or clean. My dad Cried when our trip was over!

Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the second reading in the reader

the remaining activity, book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 35 教學(xué)設(shè)計

Teaching content

1. new words: mitten, usually, sometimes, ride, always

2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s going to school in Canada

3. usage of sometimes, usually

Lesson objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know something about the development of the bicycle

3. write something about bicycles

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

Key points: usage of usually and sometimes

Difficult points: usually and sometimes

Preparations: pictures, audiotape, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

all right, get off, get on, ride, seat (n.)

Oral Vocabulary

pedal (n.). wheel

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text.

Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask if they know anything about bicycles, beyond what is said in the reading.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. You can decide whether you want to spend some time on the vocabulary listed above.

Step 3: Ask the students to work individually to summarize the main ideas of the reading in five or six sentences.

Step 4: ASk for one or two volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class. Do other students agree with what has been presented as the main ideas? Discuss as a class. Use as much English as possible.

Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (Continued 15 minutes)

Conclude unit project 1. Groups present their work to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class.

Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks.

Write the words you hear.

Babo's Bike, Part One

Have you heard the story of Babo? No?

Then I will tell you about Babo.

Babo lived a long time ago. He did not work hard. He had a big basket. Every morning,

Babo filled the basket with apples. Then he walked along the street. People bought Babo's apples. Babo's basket was always empty when the evening came. But Babo was very poor.

One day, Babo saw a man riding a bicycle:

But it wasn't a bicycle! It had only one wheel! People were watching the man. They were singing, “Ron the Rider! Ron the Rider!” Some of them gave money to Ron.

Class closing (5 minutes)

Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students progress.

the third reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

LESSON 36 教學(xué)設(shè)計

Teaching content

1. new words;year, same, glad, classmate

2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s meeting Jenny’s class

3. meet and introduce each other

4. usage of speak and same

Lesson objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the song and sing the ong well

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

Key points:

1. introduce to each other

2. speak and same

Difficult points: usage of word same

Teaching aids: audiotape, recorder, pictures

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

The reading for this lesson is a song. The audiotape presents the song; the words to the song are in the student book.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

drive, get in

No Parking!


You'd better not.

Oral Vocabulary


See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for suggestions on teaching songs.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the song in this lesson.

Step 1 Have the class read the lyrics aloud as a poem. You may divide the class into two groups. Each group will read one line at a time. Make sure students can read rhythmically with a good sense of the rhymes!

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow in their books.

Step 3: Practice singing the song repeatedly until the students can sing it well.

Class activity How to get from here to there (15 minutes)

In this activity, students can have fun discussing transportation. Write several false statements about transportation on the blackboard. For example:

I will drive my car across the Pacific Ocean to get to Canada.

At the airport, I will take the train to Beijing.

I will fly my bicycle to school.

Ask for volunteers to correct these statements. Then ask each student to make up three false sentences about transportation. Have students choose partners. The students exchange their sentences with their partner. Each partner works to correct the other's sentences. Then students compare their corrections. Do partners agree on how to correct the sentences?

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Babo's Bike, Part Two

Later, Babo saw Ron the Rider walking along the sidewalk. He had his one-wheeled bicycle. “Do you like riding your one-wheeled bicycle?” Babo said to Ron.

“No. It is hard work,” said the man. “And I am poor. 1 work hard and I make little money.”

“I make little money, too,”said Babo. “But I do not work hard. I fill this basket with apples. People come and buy them from me.”

Ron the Rider laughed. “I will give you my one-wheeled bicycle if you give me your basket” he said.

Class closing (5 minutes)

There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson.

This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining exercises in the activity book

the next lesson in the student book

diary-writing and ,group verb-tense Studies

Lesson 37 教學(xué)設(shè)計

Teaching content

1. new words: temperature, outside, cup, shape, circle, line, pizza

2. a dialogue L Ming and his friends

3. how to ask and answer about the temperature

Lesson objectives

1. After this, students should be able to understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine future transporttation

3. write something about transportation in the future

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts.

Key points: express weather

Difficult points: how to express weather

Type: dialogue

Preparations: pictures of different shapes, audiotape, recorder, slide projector

Class opening

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at back of this teacher’s guide. You may wish to have the class sing “Let’s Take a Drive.”

Student book( fifteen minutes)

There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

round (adj)

Oral Vocabulary

invent, present (v. ), presentation

Before you begin the reading, introduce unit projects 2. see “ Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about introductory page in this teacher’s guide, Instructions for unit project 2 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here is some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the reading as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text.

Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. At this point, you may wish to ask the students to explain the meaning of some sentences containing key words or phrases. What strategies did they use to puzzle out the meanings? Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to use their imagination and talk about their ideas for new types of transportation. They should try to use what they have learned in this unit to talk about their inventions.

Step 4: Have some groups volunteer to tell the rest of the class about their inventions.

Step 5: If you have time, ask three volunteers to act out the reading in any way they choose.


Begin unit project 2. This project covers two lessons. Divide the class into small groups. Each group thinks up a new type of transportation for the future and begins to prepare a presentation about it for the class. They should include a drawing.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow the instructions.

a. Listen. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Babo's Bike, Part Three

Babo learned how to ride Ron's bicycle. It was very hard work to ride the one-wheeled bike. So Babo thought of a new way to make his money.

One day, there was a rope in the air above the street. Babo was on the rope. He was on his one-wheeled bicycle! Babo rode his bike across the rope. Many people stopped to watch. They were very interested. They gave Babo lots of money! Babo was rich!


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fourth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 38 教學(xué)設(shè)計


1. new words: dry, bike, bear

2. a dialogue between Li Ming and his teacher

3. usage of some words: always, usually, sometimes, never

KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS: usage of some adverbs: always, usually, sometimes, never

TYPE: dialogue

TEACHING AIDS: some different tapes, audiotape, recorder, slide projector


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine new types of transportation

3. write something about future transportation

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide .You may wish to have the class sing “Let's Take a Drive,”


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons. There is no new vocabulary for this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. To check how well students understand this reading, you may find it helpful to ask questions such as:

Who is Sam? When and where did you meet him?

What new type of transportation would Sam like to invent'?

Step 2: Play the audiotape.

Step 3: Discuss the reading with students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate in the discussion. Ask questions such as:

What is space?

What is a spaceship?

Do you have an idea for a future type of transportation?

Is Sam's idea for a future type of transportation the same as yours?

Step 4: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to continue to talk about their ideas of inventions by using words, expressions and sentence patterns they have learned in this unit. Instruct the groups to write five to six sentences describing their inventions. If there is time, have some groups share what they have written with the rest of the class.


Conclude unit project 2. The groups present their future type of transportation to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Look at these questions.

Can you choose the correct answers? Please try.

1. Tom says, “I like this TV show very much.”

2. Li Ming says, “It is October 1. It is China's National Day.”

3. Li Ming Says, “1 would like brown shoes, please?

4. Li Ming says, ”Where are you getting off?“ Wang Mei says, ”At the next stop. Where are you getting off?“

Li Ming says, ”The stop after next.“


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fourth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 39 教學(xué)設(shè)計


1. mastery words; watch, toilet

2. a dialogue and a short text

3. the Present Continuous Tense


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. memorize what is reviewed in this lesson and talk/write something about a fun project for inventions

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


1. the Present Continuous Tense

2. look, watch and see

DIFFICULT POINTS: the Present Continuous Tense

TYPE: a dialogue and a short text

TEACHING AIDS: some food, some pictures of furniture, audiotape, recordeer


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing ”Let's Take a Drive.“


There is one reading for this lesson. It reviews the vocabulary for this unit. There is no new vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. As a quick review, ask students to name the words they know for different kinds of vehicles.

Step 2: Play the audiotape.

Step 3: Depending upon how much time you have you may divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to think about, discuss and then write an e-mail in response to Jenny's e-mail to Li Ming. if there is time, ask some groups to share their writings with the rest of the class.


Review the irregular verbs in this unit: drive, ride and sly. See ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for recommended methods of teaching verbs.

Review the verb can, which is also in this unit.

This is a special verb, like might. The students learned the verb ”might' in Level 1 of junior school.

Do they remember what might means? Write this list on the blackboard:

I go. I might go.

He goes. He might go.

We go. We might go.

I run. I might run.

He runs. He might run.

We run. We might run.

Now ask for volunteers to write the same phrases with the word “can.”

I can go.

He can go.

We can go.

I can run.

He can run.

We can run.

What do the phrases mean? “I (verb)” describes what you are doing now. “I might ” expresses uncertainty. You might do something, but you might not. “1 can” expresses an ability. If you can do something, you are able to do it.

Sometimes “can” expresses permission. For example, you might ask your parents: “Can I go to the cinema?” If they permit you to go, they might say: “Yes, you can.”


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Look at these questions. Can you choose the correct answers? Please try.

1. Li Ming says, “It is cold, isn't it?”

Wang Mei says, “Yes it is. It might get colder. It might snow.”

2. Mrs. Brown says, “There will be a good program on TV. It is about making movies. Don't forget to watch it. ?'

3. Brian says, ”I saw Tim today. He is my good friend. I haven't seen him for many weeks. He looks great. I saw him at a restaurant.“

4. Danny says, ”I'm looking for Brian. I can't find him. Have you seen him?“

Jenny says, ”Yes. I saw him in the library.

He was looking up some words in the dictionary."


There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining exercises in the activity book


八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第1篇



在單元第10課是一篇題為“ MAKF OUR WORLD MORE BEAUTIFUL ^v^的閱讀教材,通過對環(huán)境保護這一話題的敘述增強學(xué)生環(huán)境保護的意識,懂得如何在日常生活中保護環(huán)境,文中主要運用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的句子,其中也穿插了一般現(xiàn)在時和過去時,學(xué)生在特定的語境中感覺和發(fā)現(xiàn)英語時態(tài)的變化,從而達到正確運用英語的時態(tài)能力。







本課首先利用課前問題(pre-reading questions ),啟發(fā)學(xué)生利用已有的知識經(jīng)驗,對課文內(nèi)容進行預(yù)測,就有關(guān)話題開展討論,通過閱讀驗證自己的推測,吸取信息,掌握新的知識,豐富經(jīng)驗,從而達到獨立閱讀的能力。


(1)重點:本課重點 在其運用完成時態(tài)的句子談?wù)摥h(huán)保這一話題。



八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第2篇


今天我說課的內(nèi)容是新目標英語八年級上冊Unit4 How do you get to school?第一課時(1a---1c)。教材分析 (一) 教材的地位和作用

本課為新目標八年級上冊第四單元的第一課時。本單元的中心話題是“transportation”,它與學(xué)生的日常生活緊密聯(lián)系在一起的本課的教學(xué)圍繞“談?wù)撊绾稳ド蠈W(xué)”這一話題展開教學(xué),引導(dǎo)學(xué)生通過本課的語言素材看圖說話、句型操練、實際描述,對話表演使學(xué)生學(xué)會用英語。本課還學(xué)習(xí)以how引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句,通過問答訓(xùn)練,進一步提高學(xué)生聽、說、讀、寫綜合素質(zhì)能力。 (二)教學(xué)目標(知識目標、能力目標、情感目標、學(xué)習(xí)策略目標) 1.知識目標


subway heytrain (2)掌握以how引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句的問答

How do you get to school ? How does he / she get to school?





確立教學(xué)目標的依據(jù): 根據(jù)英語教學(xué)大綱規(guī)定,通過聽、說、讀、寫的訓(xùn)練,使學(xué)生獲得英語基礎(chǔ)知識和為交際初步運用英語的能力,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,為進一步學(xué)習(xí)打好初步的基礎(chǔ)。此外,也根據(jù)我國國情和外語教學(xué)大綱的要求,根據(jù)現(xiàn)階段外語教學(xué)的素質(zhì)教育的要求. (三)重點和難點:


重點:以how引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句; How do you get to school ? How does he/she get to school? I take the bus . He/She takes the train.

難點:多種搭乘交通工具的表達方式 (四)教學(xué)輔助工具:圖表 ,多媒體。 二、學(xué)情分析




(1) 情景教學(xué)法:聯(lián)系實際生活,創(chuàng)設(shè)情景,激活學(xué)生的想像力,激發(fā)學(xué)生使用英語進行交流的興趣和欲望。

(2) 聽說法:用師生,生生互動的方式,共同觀察圖片,激活學(xué)生的已有知識,使學(xué)生主動建構(gòu)自己的語言知識,從而有效地習(xí)得語言。

(3) 任務(wù)型語言模式:根據(jù)學(xué)生實際,以學(xué)生為中心,合理組織教學(xué),把各個教學(xué)目標融入到教學(xué)任務(wù)中,學(xué)生完成任務(wù)過程就是課堂教學(xué)的過程,即Learning by doing ,doing is learning.學(xué)生在教師指導(dǎo)下通過體驗、實踐、參與、探索和合作等方式,發(fā)現(xiàn)語言規(guī)律,逐步掌握語言知識和技能,學(xué)生的自信感逐步增強,從而體驗到成功的喜悅。




Step 1. Greetings

Good morning ?

How are you?

How the weather today ?

意圖:. 復(fù)習(xí)日常用語,準備進入新課。

Step2 Lead—in

Show a picture from the house to the school .Ask Ss ,How do get to school?

A student replies,Bike,say,oh,you ride your repeat. I ride my bike .the class ,Today we’re taking about how you get to school.


about transportation

Let the Ss look at the pictures on the screen and teach them words about transportation

bicycle/ bike subway train bus car taxi plane ship

Encourage the Ss to say more transportation ways

walk /on foot motorbike …


Step4 presentation

Show some pictures in ppt

How do you get to school ? take the train /car/plane

I walk to school. / I go to school on foot take subway /ship/bus

I take the bus. ride my bike/bicycle

How does he /she get to school? He /She takes the bus to school.





Books open! Write down more ways to get to school. Check the answers and read gether.



Let the Ss listen and write numbers


Look at the conversation

先讓學(xué)生讀出對話, 再學(xué)生兩人一組做對話,談?wù)搱D中的人都是怎樣上學(xué)的,最后, 讓幾組同學(xué)到班級前做對話。


Do you go to school by bus or by bike?

I go to school by bike or by bike. Do you go to Shanghai by plane or by bike? I go to Shanghai by plane or by plane. Do you go to Xi’an by train or by train? I go to Xi’an by train ,by train . 意圖:讓學(xué)生在輕松愉快中學(xué)習(xí),迎合學(xué)生的年齡特點。


Work in group of four ,talk about how do you get to school?,and fill in the chart.


Get to school


Step 10..Exercise

一. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 often (ride ) to school,but sometimes he (walk) to school.

mother always ( go ) to work by bus

3. Tom never ( take) the train to school .

I ( walk) to school .

( do ) your sister get to school ?

二. 將下列句子改為同義句 often go to school by bus . I often a bus school. rides to work on M ondays. Jane goes to work on Mondays .

Jane goes to work on Mondays.

gets to school on foot every day. He to school every day . 意圖:鞏固本節(jié)課所學(xué)的內(nèi)容,糾正學(xué)生容易出現(xiàn)的錯誤:一般現(xiàn)在時動詞第三人稱單數(shù)的變化,以及動詞短語take the +交通工具 可以替換成介詞by +交通工具,注意他們在句中的位置不同。同時為下節(jié)課掃除障礙。

1. Recite the new words 2. make conversations

Blackboard design

Unit4 How do you get to school?

A:How do you get to school? take the bus/train/subway/ship/

B:I ride my bike. ride a bike

A:How does he get to school? Walk/on foot

B:He walks to school.

板書設(shè)計 (根據(jù)本課的重難點)



八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第3篇


今天我將要為大家講的課題是: 沒有細胞結(jié)構(gòu)的微小生物病毒 .






(1) 病毒的形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)和生命活動的特點。

(2) 病毒與人類的關(guān)系。




本 節(jié)的教學(xué)對象為學(xué)前二年級學(xué)生。通過第一部分的學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)生已經(jīng)掌握了生物體的基本結(jié)構(gòu),植物的形態(tài)、結(jié)構(gòu)、生命活動等知識;已學(xué)會初步的觀察、分析、比較 等研究生物學(xué)的方法。具備了獨立學(xué)習(xí)本節(jié)部分內(nèi)容的知識和能力基礎(chǔ)。她們對本節(jié)課涉及的有關(guān)病毒與人類關(guān)系,在生活中已有一定的感性認識。但對病毒的形態(tài) 結(jié)構(gòu)、生命活動的知識,難以理解。



(1) 通過學(xué)習(xí)使學(xué)生知道病毒的形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)特點。

(2) 通過學(xué)習(xí)讓學(xué)生識記病毒的生命活動特點

(3) 通過學(xué)習(xí)使學(xué)生知道病毒對植物、動物和人體的危害以及病毒在生物防治上的作用。

(4) 通過學(xué)習(xí)讓學(xué)生識記細菌病毒——噬菌體的有關(guān)知識。


(1) 通過學(xué)習(xí)使學(xué)生初步具有進一步獲取課本以外的生物學(xué)信息的能力。

(2) 通過學(xué)習(xí)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的分析問題,解決問題的能力,以及交流與合作的能力。










八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第4篇



























由親身感受實驗和對事例的分析,總結(jié)出反射的概念。 師說“面對課題學(xué)生可能會產(chǎn)生疑問:反射!什么是反射呀?先不急于知道,我們再來做一個小實驗。該實驗是醫(yī)學(xué)上常用來了解人體神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)對外界刺激發(fā)生反應(yīng)的情況的,這就是——膝跳反射”教師用計算機展示出“膝跳反射”的實驗要求、步驟及注意事項,并請一位學(xué)生配合教師進行演示。由兩名學(xué)生組合成一個小組去進行該實驗。實驗后請學(xué)生分別來談?wù)劯惺?,并繼續(xù)又舉出排尿反射和課上的縮手反射,請學(xué)生們以前后兩人為一個討論小組進行分析:這幾個活動都稱之為“反射”,那么反射是由人體的哪個系統(tǒng)在什么條件下產(chǎn)生的具有什么特點的反應(yīng)活動呢?在教師的引導(dǎo)下學(xué)生嘗試著自己來總結(jié)、歸納出反射的定義,最后由教師用計算機展示出反射的定義,這樣使得學(xué)生對所獲得的知識印象深刻。














八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第5篇












八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第6篇




《新目標英語》教材的語言教育理念是:知識用于行動強調(diào)“語言應(yīng)用”,培養(yǎng)“創(chuàng)新、實踐能力”,發(fā)展“學(xué)習(xí)策略”。它采用任務(wù)型語言教學(xué)(task-based language teaching)模式。教材中每單元都設(shè)計一個或幾個與該單元話題有關(guān)的任務(wù),讓學(xué)生在完成任務(wù)的過程中,使用英語獲取信息,用英語進行交流,培養(yǎng)運用英語解決實際問題的能力。《新目標英語》有以下幾個特色:






本課是新目標英語八年級上冊第8單元,教材以how was your school trip ?為中心話題,圍繞著描述“過去發(fā)生的事情”展開,學(xué)習(xí)和運用一般過去時態(tài)的一般疑問句did you go/see /buy…? were there any…?詢問過去的事件,讓學(xué)生學(xué)會談?wù)摵头窒磉^去發(fā)生的事件。本課教學(xué)內(nèi)容與學(xué)生的實際生活密切相關(guān),易于引發(fā)學(xué)生運用簡單的英語進行交際和交流。在學(xué)習(xí)活動中,學(xué)生通過交換對過去發(fā)生的事情的描述及看法,促進學(xué)生之間和師生之間的情感交流,增進情誼。section a的主要學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容是:復(fù)習(xí)一般過去時態(tài)和動詞的規(guī)則與不規(guī)則變化,學(xué)習(xí)一般過去時態(tài)的兩種一般疑問句: did you…? were there any …?教材安排了許多聽,說,讀,寫的任務(wù)活動,我將靈活運用這些活動,將其中的一些活動進行變化或整合,如:1c,2c和3c的pairwork活動內(nèi)容相似,我將把2c和3c整合成一個interview(采訪)的任務(wù)活動。



1、知識目標:單詞:學(xué)習(xí)掌握詞匯aquarium, science center, gift shop, seal, shark, octopus, autograph, won,ate,等。




句型:did you go to the zoo? yes, i did. no, i didn’t. i went to the aquarium.

were there any seals? yes, there were. no, there weren’t any sharks.

i saw some sharps/ i went to the aquarium.









1.復(fù)習(xí)詞匯museum, beach, zoo, dolphin, pizza, ice cream, friend, movie, went, saw, were, played, read, visited, cleaned等句型:how was your weekend? it was great. where did you go on your vacation? i went to the beach.

2.學(xué)習(xí)詞匯aquarium, science center, gift shop, seal, shark, octopus, autograph, win

3.學(xué)習(xí)句型did you go to the zoo? yes, i did. no, i didn’twere there any seals? yes, there were. no, there weren’ti saw some sharps/ i went to the else did you do?



③did you, were there引導(dǎo)的一般疑問句。





4.本單元學(xué)情剖析:本單元的主題是談?wù)撨^去的事情,可以采用活動教學(xué)法和role playing的學(xué)習(xí)策略,學(xué)習(xí)新詞匯,掌握重點句型,同時能比較好地運用到實踐中,解決類似問題。做到既能鞏固所學(xué)知識,又能提高解決問題的能力以及綜合運用語言能力。



《新目標英語》中的具體語言目標是通過各種各樣的tasks來實現(xiàn)的;學(xué)生需要運用具體而特定的行動來完成一定的交際任務(wù)。整個教學(xué)過程中,各種語言結(jié)構(gòu)與語言功能與不同的學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)有機的結(jié)合。任務(wù)活動所謀求的效果不是一種機械的語言訓(xùn)練,而是側(cè)重在執(zhí)行任務(wù)中學(xué)生自我完成任務(wù)的能力和策略的培養(yǎng);重視形式在完成任務(wù)過程中的參與和在交流活動中所獲得的經(jīng)驗。因此本節(jié)課我將始終引導(dǎo)學(xué)生通過完成具體的任務(wù)活動來學(xué)習(xí)語言,讓學(xué)生為了特定的學(xué)習(xí)目的去實施特定的語言行動,通過完成特定的交際任務(wù)來獲得和積累相應(yīng)的學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗,讓學(xué)生在用中學(xué),在學(xué)中用(learning by using, learning for using)。












全身反應(yīng)教學(xué)法(total physical response,縮寫為tpr)是加州心理學(xué)家james j. asher(詹姆士j.艾謝,1988)提出來的,注重語言學(xué)習(xí)中的互動模式,認為學(xué)生在一個較放松的環(huán)境中學(xué)習(xí)效果。緊張、焦慮的情緒對學(xué)習(xí)英語不利。在課堂教學(xué)的具體實踐中,讓學(xué)生根據(jù)教師發(fā)出的指令做動作,或模仿聲音。孩子不必用語言做出反應(yīng),以聽力訓(xùn)練為主,待聽力和理解能力得到提高后,方進入說話訓(xùn)練,是自然而然的學(xué)會語言的方法。
















八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第7篇








































八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第8篇


《物質(zhì)的運輸路線》是河北少兒出版七年級下冊第二章《愛護心臟 確保運輸》的第三節(jié),血液循環(huán)的途徑這部分知識是教學(xué)的重點。它既是對前面所學(xué)的血液,血管、心臟等知識的深化,又是后面學(xué)習(xí)呼吸、排泄等章節(jié)的前提和關(guān)鍵。這部分內(nèi)容是《生物課程標準》中內(nèi)容標準《第五部分----生物圈中的人》的知識,人體吸收的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)需要經(jīng)過循環(huán)系統(tǒng)運送到身體的各種組織、器官,人體所產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的廢物也通過循環(huán)系統(tǒng)、呼吸系統(tǒng)和泌尿系統(tǒng)等的協(xié)調(diào)活動排出體外,因此本章內(nèi)容起到了聯(lián)系各部分知識的作用,而第三節(jié)又是本章的重點內(nèi)容。



























心臟的四腔中血液流動的方向,及和每個腔連通的血管分別是什么? 通過復(fù)習(xí)這一內(nèi)容有利于學(xué)生順利的完成血液循環(huán)途徑的學(xué)習(xí)。




1. 提出問題(展示血液循環(huán)模式圖課件flash動畫):


設(shè)計這一活動,可以使同學(xué)積極去探究血液循環(huán)的途徑,通過已有知識,在小組同學(xué)的努力下共同完成血液循環(huán)途徑的認識,增強學(xué)生的合作意識,為進一步突破血液循環(huán)途徑這一難點問題打下基礎(chǔ)。通過學(xué)生上臺發(fā)布結(jié)論,提高學(xué)生的語言表達能力,給學(xué)生展示自己的機會,充分體現(xiàn)學(xué)生的主體地位。 學(xué)生發(fā)布完結(jié)論,要給學(xué)生一種積極的評價,肯定他們的成果,同時指出存在的問題。




八年級下冊英語說課稿范文全英文 第9篇



本單元以How do you get to school?為中心話題,圍繞交通方式而展開,主要運用How long/How far 詢問“去某地的交通方式、時間、距離。”簡單描述路線。這一話題貼近學(xué)生們的日常生活,它繼第三單元談?wù)摗凹偃沼媱潯焙蟀才胚@樣一個話題,符合學(xué)生的認知結(jié)構(gòu)和年齡特征,它將為后幾個單元的學(xué)習(xí)打下堅定的語言基礎(chǔ)。而SeetionA第一課時重點則采訪同學(xué)們上學(xué)的交通方式,及花費的時間、距離等等。

(二)、教學(xué)目標(語言知識 能力目標 情感目標)


1、語言目標,掌握語匯subway 、train、 bus、 car、bus stop等。



How do you get to school?

How long does he get to school?

How long does it take?要求學(xué)生掌握好助動語do在不同人稱,特別是第三人稱單數(shù)后的變化。











重點:幫助學(xué)生學(xué)會使用How do you get to school?

I take the train to school.

How does he get to school?

He takes the bus to school.進行交際

難點:區(qū)別take 的用法。





















(一)、在復(fù)習(xí)環(huán)節(jié)中,通過問學(xué)生 What are you doing this Sunday? What is he doing tomorrow? What are you doing for vocation?來了解學(xué)生對上一單元知識的掌握情況。

(二)、在導(dǎo)入新課中:先通過讓同學(xué)們看圖片,回答下面的問題,What is the boy doing?Does he often ride a bike to school? How do you get to school?引入目標語言,并幫助他們回答:I take the subway to school. I take the train to school等。

在列舉許多交通方式后,讓同學(xué)們完成 1a。然后檢測學(xué)生們的答案。






A:How do you get to school?

B: I take the subway to school.

C:: How does B get to school?

D: He takes the subway to school?

A: How long does it take?

B: It takes about 25 minutes





Unit 4 How do you get to school? forty

take the train How do you get to school fifty

take the subway I ride my bike. sixty

walk How does he get to school? seventy

ride the bike he walks to school eighty

Take the bas How long does it take? ninety

It takes a bout farty minutes.


【主題一】My Favorite Hobby

I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading, playing sports, and listening to music. But my favorite hobby is drawing. I began drawing when I was just a little kid, and I fell in love with it right away. I enjoy creating different images and bringing my imagination to life.

When I draw, I feel relaxed and happy. It's like I enter into a different world where there are no rules or boundaries, and I can let my mind go wild. I usually draw in my free time, and every time I finish a drawing, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Drawing helps me express my feelings and emotions in a positive way. Sometimes, I feel sad or anxious, and I don't know how to deal with it. But when I draw, I can let everything out, and it makes me feel better. Drawing also helps me improve my concentration and focus, which is essential for my studies.

In the future, I want to become a professional artist. I believe that the more I draw, the better I will become, and I will be able to make a living from my art. Even if I don't become famous, I will still be happy as long as I can continue to draw and express myself.

【主題二】My Dream Job

My dream job is to become a doctor. Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. Being a doctor would allow me to do just that. I believe that being a doctor is one of the most honorable professions in the world.

I am currently studying hard to achieve my dream. I am taking science and math courses to prepare me for medical school. I know that the road to becoming a doctor is challenging, but I am willing to put in the work and effort to achieve my goals.

Being a doctor would allow me to help people in many different ways. I could diagnose and treat illnesses, save lives in emergency situations, and even prevent diseases through public education and awareness campaigns.

I know that being a doctor requires a lot of knowledge, skill, and dedication, but I believe that I have what it takes to become a successful doctor. I am passionate about helping others, and I think that this is the most important quality for a doctor to have.

In the future, I hope to work in a hospital or clinic where I can help people who are sick or injured. I believe that being a doctor is not just a job, but a calling. I am excited about my future career and look forward to making a difference in the world.

【主題三】My Travel Experience

I have always enjoyed traveling and exploring new places. One of my most memorable travel experiences was when I went to Japan with my family.

Japan is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. We visited many famous landmarks, such as the Tokyo Tower, Mount Fuji, and the Imperial Palace. We also tried many delicious Japanese foods, such as sushi and ramen.

One of the highlights of our trip was when we visited Kyoto. Kyoto is a city that is known for its traditional architecture and beautiful temples. We visited the Kiyomizu-dera temple, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The temple was built in the 17th century and is famous for its wooden stage that overlooks the city.

Another memorable experience was when we went to Hiroshima. Hiroshima is a city that is famous for being the site of the atomic bombing during World War II. We visited the Peace Memorial Park and Museum, which was both moving and educational.

Traveling to Japan was an amazing experience that allowed me to learn about a different culture and way of life. I realized that there is so much in the world to explore and discover. I hope to have many more travel experiences in the future and continue to learn and grow as a person.




1、Greetingwith students.

T:Good morning! Boys and girls, welcome to our class. Now Let’s begin our English class.

S:Good morning teacher!


2、Play a Game “See and say”教師出示動作圖片read、watch、draw、run sing、jump、dance、walk.讓學(xué)生迅速說出單詞,比比誰最快。

T: I will show you some words, I can see who is the best one.Let's begin . S:根據(jù)老師的'提示,迅速說出動詞。


Step2、In-depth situation, study new knowledge


四人出發(fā)的情景,并詢問學(xué)生What day is today? Where do they want to go? Where do they arrive at?學(xué)生根據(jù)圖片進行猜測并回答.

老師播放文本第一段話,揭示答案。It's Mondy today. They want to go to Beijing.They arrive at the train station.教師繼續(xù)提問:How do they feel? S:They are happy....同時引出excited講授新詞并領(lǐng)讀。


2、Listen and answer

T:Now they are at the train station What does Danny want to do?

帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生聽課文1-5幅圖學(xué)生回答并新授單詞:jump, sing, dance

講解句型:He wants to…..注意want to后面加動詞原形,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生可以用want to說句子,練習(xí)短語。

3、老師給出學(xué)生三個情景What do you want to do in/at (school park home)?讓學(xué)生進行對話練習(xí)。學(xué)生任意選擇一個場景進行對話練習(xí)。

S1:What do you want to do in the park?

S2:I want to.....


Step3.In-depth situation, study the text.

1、通過丹尼在火車站想要做的事情,詢問學(xué)生Is Danny right?What does Mrs. Li say?


S:Please don’t jump! Please don’t sing! Please don’t dance!讓學(xué)生根據(jù)回答發(fā)現(xiàn)三個句子的共同之處,總結(jié)祈使句的結(jié)構(gòu)及用法。Please don't......請不要干什么。



2、為學(xué)生出示課文內(nèi)容6-7幅圖,讓學(xué)生發(fā)揮想象,自己用所學(xué)句型描述一下圖中內(nèi)容,老師講解sit down ,stand up兩個動詞短語,以及I’m sitting down.簡單了解現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài),為第二課做鋪墊。

Step4.Study and understand the text.




1、Read and match.給出學(xué)生一些日常生活中禁止的圖標,與句子連線。

2、Look,say and write.給出學(xué)生三個場景,in the library in the classroom at the train station讓學(xué)生利用所學(xué)句型進行交流學(xué)習(xí),并選擇其中一幅圖寫下來。


Step6. Homework.

1. Read the text with your friends.

2. Make rules for your classroom with your friends.




任課教師:王玉勇 孫濤 葛申卿)


1.教材分析 外研版《英語》八年級(下冊),全書共有十個單元。本教材各單元話題靈活,貼近生活實際。本冊書將學(xué)習(xí)到的一些語法知識點有:感官動詞、簡單句、并列復(fù)合句、及賓語從句、現(xiàn)在完成時

2.學(xué)情分析 本人擔(dān)任八年級三、四2個班的英語教學(xué)工作,學(xué)生100余人。通過初中一年半的英語學(xué)習(xí),大多數(shù)學(xué)生已能聽懂有關(guān)熟悉話題的語段和簡短的故事,能就熟悉的話題交換信息,能讀懂短篇故事,能寫便條和簡單的書信。但由于各種因素的影響,學(xué)生發(fā)展參差不齊。少數(shù)學(xué)生因為基礎(chǔ)不夠好,學(xué)習(xí)很吃力而自暴自棄,有的因此擾亂課堂紀律,這給教學(xué)帶來不少困難。


第一模塊:學(xué)習(xí)feel, taste, look等表示感覺和知覺的系動詞,學(xué)會描述感覺和知覺。第二模塊:初步認識現(xiàn)在完成時,了解現(xiàn)在完成時的基本構(gòu)成。第三模塊:以太空旅行為載體,進一步學(xué)習(xí)現(xiàn)在完成時,了解yet, already ,just在現(xiàn)在完成時里的應(yīng)用。第四模塊:主要講述看醫(yī)生,了解since for的差別。第五模塊:通過討論卡通英雄人物來復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)過的幾個時態(tài),學(xué)會區(qū)分。第六模塊:通過談?wù)搻酆茫押唵尉湟虢虒W(xué),讓學(xué)生認識什么叫簡單句。第七模塊:通過討論“洛杉磯的夏天”的話題,學(xué)習(xí)and but 連接的并列復(fù)合句,同時通過閱讀,更多地了解世界。第八模塊:通過討論“旅游與自然”的話題,學(xué)習(xí)用that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。第九模塊:通過討論“友誼”的話題,學(xué)習(xí)用if whether who when 等引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,繼續(xù)鞏固賓語從句的學(xué)習(xí)。第十模塊:通過討論“工作和職業(yè)”,鞏固對賓語從句的學(xué)習(xí)。






具體來說: 1.認真專研教材和課標,精心備課,認真上好每一堂課。確定每堂課的基礎(chǔ)內(nèi)容,預(yù)備內(nèi)容和拓展內(nèi)容,滿足不同層次學(xué)生的不同需求。2.充分利用現(xiàn)有的現(xiàn)代化教學(xué)設(shè)備,加強直觀教學(xué),提高課堂效率。3.多與學(xué)生溝通,了解學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)狀況和需求,及時改進教學(xué)中存在的問題和不足。4.積極開展豐富多彩的英語活動,提高學(xué)生興趣。如英語演講比賽、單詞聽寫比賽、朗讀比賽、英語手抄報比賽、學(xué)唱英文歌曲,課前五分鐘活動等。5.注重個別輔導(dǎo),在面向全體學(xué)生的基礎(chǔ)上,培優(yōu)補差。6.不斷學(xué)習(xí),加強自身素質(zhì)和業(yè)務(wù)能力的提高。




feelings and impressions


Experiences 第二周 第三模塊

Journey to space 第三周 第四模塊

Seeing the doctor


Journey to space


Seeing the doctor



Cartoons 第六模塊

Hobbies 第七、八周1、復(fù)習(xí)模塊A





Hobbies 的類別,作用,應(yīng)用



Summer in Los Angeles

Get to know the culture about America 第十二周第八模塊

Time off

Master the object clause that賓語從句 第十三周第九模塊


Master the object clause if /whether賓語從句 第十四周第十模塊

On the radio

Master the object clause Wh--question words賓語從句







Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to yourparents?

Section A 1 (1a-2d)


1. 語言知識目標:

1) 能掌握以下單詞:allow, wrong, guess,deal, work out


① —What’swrong?

—I’m really tried because I studied until midnight last night.

② You could give him a ticket to a ball game.

③ I think you should ask your parents forsome money.

④ Why don’tyou talk to him about it?

2) 能了解以下語法:






1. 教學(xué)重點:

1) Talk about the problems.

2) Learn the new languagepoints.

2. 教學(xué)難點:




Step 1 Warmingup

1. 導(dǎo)入學(xué)生們平時在學(xué)校和生活中存在的問題。

T: What’s the matter/ What’s wrong?

S: He has too much homework to do.

T: Do he like to do it?

S1:No, he doesn’t. Because hedoesn’t have any free time to do things he likes.

Step2 Talking

1. Lookat these problems. Do you think they are serious or not? Ss discuss withtheir partners and give some advice.

① I have to study too much so I don’t getenough sleep.

② Ihave too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like.

③ Myparents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.

④ Ihave too many after-school classes.

⑤ I got into a fight withmy best friend.

Step 3 Listening

1. T: Tell Ss to read the sentences in 1a again. Make sure they know the meaning ofthe sentences.

2. Play the recording forthe Ss to listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a.

3. Play the recordingagain. Check the answers with the Ss.

Step 4 Pair work

1. Let Ss read the conversationin the box.

2. Use the information in 1a to make other conversations.

3. Let some pairs act outtheir conversations.

e.g. A: What’swrong?

B: I’mreally tied because I studied until midnight last night.

A: Why don’t you go tosleep earlier this evening?

4. Language points

1) allow v. 允許;準許

allowsb. (not) to do sth. (不)允許某人做某事

e.g. My parents don’tallow me to stay up late. 我父母不允許我熬夜。

Mr. Smith allowed Mike to drive there. 史密斯先生允許邁克開車去那里。

2) wrong adj. 錯誤的;不對的

= notright

e.g. Some words on theadvertisement are wrong. 廣告上的一些字錯了。

Step 5 Listening

Work on 2a:

T:Peter has some problems. What advicedoes his friend give him? Fill in the blanks with could or should.

1. Let Ss read the sentences in 2a.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and writethe words in the blank.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain somemain sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know the meaning of each sentence.

2. Play the recording forthe Ss to write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a.

3. Play the recording againto check the answers.

Answers: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b


Listen again. Fill in theblanks.

Boy 2 had a ______ with his best friend. He could______ him a letter. But he isn’t good at writing letters. He ______ call him____, but he doesn’t want to talk about it on the ______. He ______ talk to himso that he can say he’s sorry but it’s not ____. He ______go to his house buthe doesn’t want to _______ him. He could take him to the _____________, but hedoesn’t want to wait that long.

Step 6 Pair work

1. Tell Ss to make aconversation using the information in 2aand 2b.

2. Let one pair to read outtheir conversation first.

3. e.g. A: What’s thematter, Peter?

B: Ihad a fight with my best friend. What should I do?

A: Well,you should call him so that you can say you’re sorry.

B: ButI don’t want to talk about it on the phone.

4. Ss act the conversationin pairs. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

Step 7 Role-play

1. Ss read theconversations and try to understand the meaning.

2. Read the conversationafter the teacher.

3. Practice the conversation with their partner.Then let some pairs to act out the conversation.

4. Explain some new wordsand main points in the conversation.

(1) guess

e.g. Let us guess the height of the building.


(2) big deal, deal

big deal是英語中的一個固定搭配,表示 “重要的事情或狀況”,多用于非正式交流。作否定用法時,常說It’s not a big deal或It’s no big deal.表示說話人并不認為某事有什么了不起。

e.g. There's a soccergame on TV this evening but I don’t have to watch it. It’s no big deal. 今天晚上電視上有一場足球賽,但我不一定要看。沒什么大不了的。

It’s a big deal, David, bigger than you know.


What's the big deal? It’s only a birthday, not the end of the world.


(3) work out

work out 解決(問題);算出

e.g. Mike worked out thedifficult problem by himself.


Isit possible to work out the problem? 有可能解決這個問題嗎?


Write three conversationsabout your problems and your friends’ suggestions.

A: I have too manyafter-school classes.

What could I do?

B: You could …

Section A 2 (3a-3c)


1. 語言知識目標:

1) 學(xué)習(xí)掌握下列詞匯:get on with; relation, communication, argue, cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, communication, explain, clear



4) 了解在如果生活中發(fā)生了一些不盡如人意的問題,應(yīng)當(dāng)如何面對理性地去解決。

2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀目標:



1. 教學(xué)重點:

1) 掌握本部分出現(xiàn)的生詞和詞組,達到熟練運用的目標。

2) 閱讀短文,獲得相關(guān)的信息。通過閱讀練習(xí),來提高閱讀能力。

2. 教學(xué)難點:

1) 閱讀短文,獲得相關(guān)的信息的能力。

2) 理解并運用所學(xué)的詞匯及表達方式。


Step 1 Revision

Some Ss give some problems. Other Ss give advice.

Problems and advice:

1. I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep.

Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening?

2. I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like.

Why don’t you go camping with your friends this weekend?

3. My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.

Why not read some interesting books at home?

4. I have too many after-school classes.

Why don’t you talk about it with your parents?

5. I got into a fight with my best friend.

Why not call him up?

Role-play the conversation of 2d.

Step 2 Presentation the new words

1. relation n. 關(guān)系;聯(lián)系;交往

e.g. Their relation seemed quite close. 他們的關(guān)系看起來很親密。

2. argue v. 爭吵;爭論

e.g. The couple began to argue about the child’s education.


3. proper adj. 正確的;恰當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

e.g. It’s not proper to visit a friend too late in the evening.


4. nervous adj. 焦慮的;擔(dān)憂的

e.g. Don’t be nervous. It is just a small test. 不要緊張。就是個小測試而已。

5. clear adj. 清楚易懂的;晴朗的

e.g. The sun shone out of a clear sky. 天空晴朗,陽光燦爛。



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