





2、Love is not measured by the time we spend together, but by the memories we create. 愛情不是由我們在一起的時間來衡量,而是由我們創(chuàng)造的回憶來衡量。

3、The touch of your hand sends shivers down my spine, igniting a flame of passion within me.

4、During the whole life, you will regret for two things: one is that youdon’t get the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy.

5、Love knows no boundaries; it transcends cultures, distance, and time.

6、Love is a language that can be felt even in the silence between two hearts. 愛情是一種可以在兩顆心之間的沉默中感受到的語言。

7、It’s not what you do once in a while, it’s what you do day in and dayout that makes the difference.

8、They wandered through the cobblestone streets, hand in hand, encountering serendipitous moments that seemed straight out of a book.

9、Love is a language that needs no translation, as it speaks straight from the heart. 愛情是一種無需翻譯的語言,因為它直接從心靈發(fā)出。

10、End of the road is still the way, if you want to go.

11、Youre the obsession of my boring life and the future Im thinking about.

12、Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. 愛不是尋找完美的人,而是看待一個不完美的人時會變得完美。

13、From the moment our eyes met, I knew that we were destined to be together, forever and always.

14、Love is a symphony of two souls, harmonizing together to create a masterpiece that will be remembered for eternity.

15、Many people may never meet again once they are separated.

16、When their eyes met across the crowded room, time seemed to stand still, and a flurry of emotions stirred within their hearts.

17、Sleep with the heart that dreams of you and wakes up with the heart that wants to see you.


19、You may not be the only reason why I smile, but you are definitely myfavorite one.zqmbj.cn

20、I love you and accompany you all my life. Only I can hear your heartbeat.

21、The lasting marriage depends on two hearts, not the bodies of both sides.

22、Three miles of clear wind, three miles of road, step by step, there is no you in the wind.


24、In love and cooking, you must give 100% effort, but expect little appreciation.無論是烹飪還是愛情,都要用百分之百的負責態(tài)度對待,但是不要乞求太多的回報。

25、I love her against reason, against promise, against peace,against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Oncefor all.

26、In your eyes, I see a world where love knows no boundaries or limits.

27、Love is like a gentle breeze, soothing our souls and bringing peace to our hearts. 愛情就像一陣柔風,撫慰我們的靈魂,給我們的心帶來寧靜。

28、Love is a feeling that words cannot express, but actions can show.

29、As long as you are by my side, other things are no longer important.

30、You always lose to one person, even if you are reluctant to admit it.

31、You are my safe haven, the place where I find comfort and security in the midst of life's chaos.

32、They were two puzzle pieces, perfectly fitting together, completing each other's broken edges, and creating a masterpiece of love.

33、Love is a beautiful chaos that brings both joy and pain, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

34、愛似糖衣,我囫圇吞下,享受剎那甜蜜的錯覺。Love is like icing, I Wolf swallowed, enjoy the moment sweet illusion。


36、Your love is the anchor that keeps me grounded, yet it also sets me free to explore the boundless possibilities of love.

37、He doesn’t want you to be real, and to think and to live. He doesn’t love you. But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when I hold you in my arms.

38、The difference between lies and oaths lies in: one is that the listener is serious, the other is that the speaker is serious.

39、In a world full of chaos, you are my calm. In a sea of uncertainty, you are my anchor. With you, I have found my home. 在一個充滿混亂的世界中,你是我的寧靜。在一個充滿不確定性的海洋中,你是我的錨。有了你,我找到了家的感覺。

40、Take your family members with you to celebrate your early years.

41、Your smile lights up my world, making even the darkest days feel bright and full of hope.


43、如果談戀愛跟學拼音寫字一樣,那我才不想學呢,——-那時間太長了。If fall in love like to learn pinyin to write, that I don't want to learn, - - the time is too long。

44、Love is the foundation that our relationship is built upon, and I am grateful for the strong bond we share.

45、男人喜歡打閃電戰(zhàn),用最短的時間拿下女人,把喜新厭舊的周期縮短。Men like to play blitzkrieg, with a woman, in the shortest time to shorten the fickle cycle。


47、Things that make life easier: A Parent’s hug, A Lover’s kiss, A Friend’ssupport.

48、Your love has the power to heal my wounds and mend my broken pieces, making me whole once again.

49、太多的人想要遺忘過去,那些過往大多關于愛情。Too many people want to forget the past, the past is mostly about love。

50、Love is a journey, and I am grateful to have you by my side as we navigate through life's ups and downs.


52、Love is not to change each other, but to grow up together.

53、Love is like a delicate flower, it needs care and nourishment to bloom. 愛情就像一朵嬌嫩的花朵,需要關懷和滋養(yǎng)才能綻放。

54、Before I met you, I took everything as it was. After I met you, I took you as my safety.

55、Here, waiting for you, who will understand my loneliness.

56、Love is a journey, and every step together brings us closer to happiness. 愛情是一段旅程,每一步走在一起都讓我們更接近幸福。


58、A fate, meet in the sea of people, a heart, charming in the years.

59、Love is not about possession, but about giving freedom and allowing each other to grow. 愛情不在于占有,而在于給予自由,讓彼此成長。

60、Cha truth, can not say that is false. Eternal love, can not say only that moment. 一剎真情,不能說那是假的。愛情永恒,不能說只有那一剎。

61、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who isfalling in love with your smile.

62、It was in the quiet moments, nestled in each other's arms, that they found solace from the chaos of everyday life, their love providing a sanctuary.

63、There will also be happiness in the plain, it is more enviable.

64、The wind is blowing tonight. I think of your tenderness.


66、愛情的基本要素就是相信愛情本身是不朽的。Of the basic elements of love is to believe that love itself is immortal。

67、Only in the dream, you will appear when I need you.

68、O loving hate! O anything, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather oflead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I…


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