



There is no unfinished story, only not die of heart. If heart undead, the story won't end.~~你是否對這些句子很感興趣呢?下面是幼兒教師教育網(wǎng)編輯為你精心整理的“常用英語短句”,希望能幫助到你的學習和工作!


1、"I am sorry, sir. We are terribly busy. "

2、In the face of love, at least be brave. It's useless to only love secretly.面對愛情,至少要勇敢一些,只暗戀是沒用的。

3、Wait, and wait for me in and I have almost don't care.

4、Never mind. (That’s all right.)沒關(guān)系。(沒什么。)

5、I don't know the beauty of my hometown until I see it in a foreign land.不到異鄉(xiāng)看看,不知故鄉(xiāng)的美麗。

6、技能是通過實踐和經(jīng)驗而得到的,而不是天生的 (Skills are acquired through practice and experience, not innate).


8、……is also responsible for the change.

9、I couldn’t be more sure。我再也肯定不過了(如果你很強烈的想要人家相信你,就用這個句子吧)

10、Trusting, give up, this is the beginning of many failures in life!

11、Look down on everything, fame and wealth, money and feelings.一切都看淡些,對名利,對金錢,對感情。

12、Hope for the best, best effort, do the worst, with the best attitude, every day is a good day.抱最大希望,盡最大努力,做最壞打算,持最好心態(tài),每天都是美好的日子。

13、Just think that the heart is like a hard stone, but people are not plants after all.只是自以為心若頑石,卻終究人非草木。

14、Let’s face it。面對現(xiàn)實把

15、Standing on the shoulders of giants is to exceed the Giants.(WWw.dg15.com 工作總結(jié)之家)

16、Please fasten your seat belt.請系上安全帶。

17、One tends to view the trend as a response to……

18、Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do. 不要讓你無法做的阻礙你去做你能做的。


19、TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,每個人牢記之。

20、For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. 每分鐘憤怒,都會失去六十秒的快樂。

21、Live and learn.活到老學到老。

22、The experience takes out by the essence of pain.

23、To understand the truth of……,it is important to see……

24、One pot, one lamp, one hazy, one frown, one smile, one dream.一壺一盞一朦朧,一顰一笑一夢中。

25、One step closer at your feet, your life is boundless.一步近在腳下,一生漫遠無邊。


27、Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

28、You didn't mean to go through the wind, but you led the mountain flood alone.你本無意穿堂風,卻偏偏孤倨引山洪。

29、The Nan shan Single Tree Overlooking Stand is also a resort.南山一棵樹觀景臺也是值得去的地方。

30、Jiefangbei Square is always crowded.解放碑廣場總是很擁擠。

31、Teaching me the meaning of love.


33、Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再歡樂的單身漢遲早也會結(jié)婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。

34、The night is deep and sleepless. The body is resting and the soul is free.夜深沉,無眠的夜,身體在休息,靈魂在游離。

35、Anger is short. I'm familiar with the crouching position.憤怒很短暫,蜷伏的姿勢,我何其熟悉。

36、Don’t easily promised to others, because a lot of words, only listen to one will remember.


37、It is through the use of logic and of precise, careful measurement that we become aware of our progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or retreated.

38、That will be the day.有這么一天就好了。

39、Dripping water can penetrate the stone, and everything comes naturally. Try hard.滴水能把石穿透,萬事功到自然成。努力吧。

40、Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.

41、My pleasure. ( You’re welcome.)別客氣。(不用謝)

42、Before gold, even kings take off their hats.

43、What will happen to ……?One thing is certain……

44、Don't throw stones at your neightbours,if your own windows are glass. 倘若你們家的窗子是鋼化玻璃做的,別用石塊打你的隔壁鄰居。


46、will try to be your future meet will regret not cherish.

47、But that’s only part of the story……

48、Yes, speaking.我就是。

49、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

50、Least said soonest mended.少說少錯。

51、Disturbing the horse, football and car dust, ruthless by the years, dark disappear young.擾擾馬足車塵,被歲月無情,暗消年少。

52、Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 生活是10%發(fā)生在你身上的事情,而90%取決于你的反應(yīng)。

53、Science without religion is a lame,religion without science is blind.----A.Einstein



55、Don't forget, those who miss are not worth remembering.別忘,錯過的人,不值得留戀。

56、When you don't get what you want, you get experience.得不到想要的東西時,你就會得到經(jīng)驗。

57、一個女孩需要穿兩件衣服才能看起來很棒: 自信和微笑!

58、Let me take your temperature.讓我給你量一下體溫。

59、I am an exam jitter我一考試就緊張

60、Wayfaring, with footsteps instead sigh it!

61、Without you, my time is slow.沒有你,我的時間是緩慢的米勒行星。


63、Company is the longest love confession, missing is the most sincere waiting.陪伴是最長情的告白,思念是最真心的等待。


65、life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by theclaims of love. 生命從世界得到資產(chǎn),愛情使它得到價值。

66、When you love a person, you will become haggle over every ounce.


68、Excuse me, Sir/Madam, Is there a bank near here?(Yes, there’s one around the corner.)勞駕,先生/夫人,請問附近有銀行嗎?(有,拐角處就有一家。)

69、& we become angry with whom we feel is our own.

70、There is no unfinished story, only not die of heart. If heart undead, the story won't end.


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“Have you ever lived abroad?”我妹妹表現(xiàn)出色老師給了她一本獎勵書?句子的魅力在于它可以傳達實在的情感,如果您對英文常用口語短句有疑問我們會盡力為您提供解答,我希望這些句子能幫助你們提高寫作技巧!...

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一、問候 1、Goodmorning。早上好! 2、Goodafternoon。下午好! 3、Goodmorning,class。同學們早上好! 4、Hello,everyone!大家好! 二、課程開...

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can I have your price list?~~你喜歡這種句子風格嗎?經(jīng)過搜索整理,幼兒教師教育網(wǎng)編輯為你呈現(xiàn)“常用英語口語短句摘錄”,供大家參考,希望能幫助到有需要的朋友。...

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