




1、The community is mobilizing to boycott a company for unethical business practices.


3、The director mobilized the cast and crew to work efficiently on the film set.


5、Use study groups and tutoring sessions to enhance your understanding and preparation for the midterm exam.

6、The school is mobilizing extra staff and resources for the exam period.


8、We need to believe in ourselves and trust our abilities.

9、The government is mobilizing funding for a new education initiative.

10、This exam is a challenge, but with dedication and hard work, we can overcome it.



13、The army is mobilizing for defense against a potential attack.

14、The government is mobilizing international aid to support the earthquake-stricken region.

15、Stay motivated and focused on your long-term goals, even in the face of midterm exam stress and pressure.

16、The captain mobilized the crew to prepare for the storm.


18、Our hard work and dedication will pay off in the end.

19、The judge mobilized the jurors to reach a fair verdict.


21、The community is mobilizing to clean up a polluted river.

22、The manager mobilized the sales force to achieve their targets by using innovative techniques.

23、We have the potential for greatness, let's demonstrate it on this exam.

24、Recognize that the midterm exam is an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and growth, rather than a judgment of your intelligence or worth.

25、The CEO mobilized the employees to support the company's new initiative.

26、The scientists are mobilizing to research and find a cure for a new disease outbreak.


28、The trainer mobilized the trainees to put in their best effort during the training program.

29、The manager mobilized the sales team to achieve the monthly targets.

30、The construction workers are mobilizing to build a new road.

31、We have the knowledge, skills, and dedication to succeed on this exam.

32、Let's put our best effort into preparing for the midterm exam.

33、The police are mobilizing to investigate a major crime.

34、The construction company is mobilizing its equipment for a new project.


36、The fire department has mobilized its resources to put out the fire.

37、The country is mobilizing its army for a military operation in a neighboring country.

38、The teacher mobilized the students for the upcoming exam.


40、The government is mobilizing for a major economic reform.


42、The NGO is mobilizing resources to provide disaster relief to affected communities.

43、The airline has mobilized its fleet to transport essential goods and supplies.


45、Monitor your progress and adjust your study plan accordingly as the midterm exam approaches.


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