





1、During Qixi Festival, lovers often exchange chocolates, flowers, and other gifts.

2、During the festival, it is common for couples to renew their vows and commitments to each other, as a way of reaffirming their love and dedication.

3、On this day, couples exchange gifts of flowers, chocolates, and other sweet treats.

4、Qixi Festival is a traditional holiday that celebrates the enduring power of love.

5、Qixi Festival is a perfect opportunity for people to reconnect with their loved ones and make new memories together.

6、Whether it's through volunteering, donating to charity, or simply being kind to those in need, we can all make a difference this Qixi Festival.

7、As we celebrate Qixi, let us honor the beauty and diversity of our world, and strive to create a better and more loving future for all.

8、The Double Seventh Festival is a powerful reminder of the enduring human spirit, as well as the universal values of love, connection, and compassion that guide us all on our journey through life.

9、Qixi is also an important day for young children, who often make handmade lanterns to hang up at home.

10、Qixi is a day to appreciate the gifts of love and friendship that we have received in our lives, and to give thanks for the people who have touched our hearts and made us who we are.

11、Ceramic statues of the two stars are often sold as souvenirs during the festival.

12、On Qixi, it is traditional to drink specially brewed tea made from seven different types of herbs and flowers.

13、Qixi is a time to appreciate the beauty of nature, as the festival falls during the height of summer when the weather is warm and flowers are in full bloom.

14、For many people, the Qixi Festival is a time to recommit to their relationship and to work through any challenges and difficulties they may be facing.

15、Some Chinese couples choose to get married on Qixi because of its romantic connotations.


16、Legend has it that on this day, the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid, who were separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet once a year.

17、I'm looking forward to spending this special day with my love.

18、During Qixi, Chinese families often eat a special meal together that includes dumplings, noodles, and vegetables.

19、For many people, the Double Seventh Festival is a spiritual and emotional journey that helps to deepen their connection with themselves and with their loved ones.

20、In Vietnam, the festival is celebrated by young girls who pray for love and good luck.

21、The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, is observed on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

22、On Qixi Festival, unmarried women pray for a good husband, while men pray for a virtuous wife.

23、The festival provides an ideal setting for couples to create memories that will last a lifetime, whether it be a romantic night under the stars or a quiet stroll in a fragrant garden.

24、The festival encourages us to be open and vulnerable, and to express our feelings honestly and authentically.

25、For Chinese people, Qixi Festival is a time to express their appreciation and respect for their ancestors.

26、This festival has a romantic legend behind it that tells the tale of a cowboy and a fairy.

27、Qixi Festival is a time to celebrate the power of connection, to reflect on the past and plan for the future, and to cherish the beauty of love in all its forms.

28、In some regions of China, it is believed that unmarried women can gain special powers by performing certain rituals on the night of the festival, such as burning incense or taking baths in river water.

29、If you're looking for a unique way to celebrate the Qixi Festival, consider planning a romantic picnic or taking a night-time walk under the stars.

30、During the festival, it is customary to fill bamboo tubes with fragrant herbs and drop them in the river to gain the blessings of the gods.


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