
幼兒園大班英語教案:This little pig went to the market



宜未雨綢而繆,毋臨竭而掘井。每一位任課幼兒園的老師都希望小朋友們能在幼兒園學到知識,因此,老師們都會選擇準備一份教案,教案可以讓同學們很容易的聽懂所講的內(nèi)容。關(guān)于好的幼兒園教案要怎么樣去寫呢?下面是小編精心收集整理,為您帶來的《幼兒園大班英語教案:This little pig went to the market》,相信能對大家有所幫助。

大班英語公開課:This little pig went to the market上海冰廠田幼兒園碧云部 鄒悅公開活動:This little pig went to the market目標:1、通過英語游戲及配對練習,理解學習兒歌。2、體驗兒歌的趣味性,通過情境游戲大膽地進行表達表演。


一、引出兒歌1、Warm up: 歌曲< To market>

2、(教師出示兒歌背景圖片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?

(鼓勵幼兒大膽說說圖片上的內(nèi)容。)C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.

二、理解學習兒歌1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!

(播放CD)欣賞兒歌第一遍T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣賞兒歌第二遍( 教師邊念邊表演)T:What did you get from the story?


T: Which pig went to the market? 然后請一名幼兒送小豬回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我會請幾名幼兒說說選擇的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子們沒說出來的內(nèi)容,我就直接提醒比方說Which little pig had roast beef? 先請孩子送小豬,送好整體幼兒練習2遍,行么?)3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母貼在小豬身上排序,理清兒歌的順序。)貼好以后玩兩個游戲(1) 教師說圖片內(nèi)容,幼兒說圖片序列。然后交換T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.

4、完整念兒歌(第一遍我點背景圖片,幼兒按順序念兒歌;第二遍做動作,鼓勵幼兒邊念兒歌邊做動作。)三、兒歌表演1、2組幼兒分別上前表演Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?

Change2、Let’s play a game幼兒把自己裝扮成小豬,然后進行游戲表演。


大班:This little pig went to the market

大班英語公開課:This little pig went to the market 上海冰廠田幼兒園碧云部 鄒悅

公開活動:This little pig went to the market 目標:1、通過英語游戲及配對練習,理解學習兒歌。2、體驗兒歌的趣味性,通過情境游戲大膽地進行表達表演。 準備:英語CD,兒歌背景圖片,裝扮材料, 流程:


1、Warm up: 歌曲< To market>

2、(教師出示兒歌背景圖片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?


C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig. 二、理解學習兒歌

1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!


T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣賞兒歌第二遍( 教師邊念邊表演)

T:What did you get from the story?



T: Which pig went to the market? 然后請一名幼兒送小豬回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我會請幾名幼兒說說選擇的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子們沒說出來的內(nèi)容,我就直接提醒比方說Which little pig had roast beef? 先請孩子送小豬,送好整體幼兒練習2遍,行么?)

3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母貼在小豬身上排序,理清兒歌的順序。)


(1) 教師說圖片內(nèi)容,幼兒說圖片序列。然后交換

T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.


(第一遍我點背景圖片,幼兒按順序念兒歌;第二遍做動作,鼓勵幼兒邊念兒歌邊做動作。) 三、兒歌表演


Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?


2、Let’s play a game


幼兒園中班英語教案:This little pig went to the mar







1、Warm up: 歌曲

2、(教師出示兒歌背景圖片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?


C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.


1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!


T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen careful. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣賞兒歌第二遍( 教師邊念邊表演)

T:What did you get from the story?



T: Which pig went to the market? 然后請一名幼兒送小豬回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我會請幾名幼兒說說選擇的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子們沒說出來的內(nèi)容,我就直接提醒比方說Which little pig had roast beef? 先請孩子送小豬,送好整體幼兒練習2遍,行么?)

3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母貼在小豬身上排序,理清兒歌的順序。)


(1) 教師說圖片內(nèi)容,幼兒說圖片序列。然后交換

T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.





Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?


2、Let’s play a game


幼兒園大班英語教案:音樂活動《Ten Little India Children》


l 音樂活動是我園的特色之一,它帶給幼兒的感覺是自由、輕松而愉悅。本次活動是將雙語滲透于音樂活動的一種新的嘗試,教師希望通過此次活動能讓幼兒學習雙語的積極性得以最大限度地發(fā)揮。在一次很偶然的談話中,我從幼兒的談話中了解到,幼兒對童話故事《白雪公主》中的“小矮人”形象非常喜愛,而且平時也總是饒有興趣地哼唱《十個小矮人》這首歌。于是,我便抓住幼兒這一興趣,設計了這個活動,從幼兒的主體出發(fā),讓幼兒能主動、積極地參與雙語活動,活動中教師能與幼兒上下互動,能讓幼兒自信地發(fā)音并能自如地、心情愉快地學習樂曲。


1、初步學習歌曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,能大聲地用英語來演唱。






2、學習新的樂曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,初步掌握歌詞與旋律。





4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一個小孩 one little 。





up2; 以旅游售票的游戲?qū)耄瑥土晹?shù)字1—10的英語單詞。(播放背景音樂)

T:小朋友,今天天氣真好,讓我?guī)銈內(nèi)ヂ糜伟?!Let’s go!




T:小朋友都找到座位了。OK!我現(xiàn)在要來核對一下你的車票是否和你所坐的座位號相符合,請你用響亮的聲音從1—10的順序報出你的車票號碼。Do you understand?[Yes!]OK! You pleas!


T:OK! Very good. 經(jīng)過核對,你們的車票與座位號都相吻合。請小朋友保管好你們的票,把它放在口袋里,放好了嗎?車要開了。(播放音樂,做簡單律動。)


up2; 引導幼兒認識、理解歌詞,初步熟悉歌曲旋律。


T:小朋友快看,我們到印第安了。瞧,那邊還有許多Indian Children 在迎接我們呢??齑騻€招呼吧!Hello, Indian Children.



T:小朋友們我們下車了。讓我們來數(shù)一數(shù)這里有幾個Indian Children.


T:OK!Ten Indian Children. 現(xiàn)在請你們來看一下我拍的照片,好嗎?(邊出示圖片邊請幼兒說出照片上有幾個小孩)

非常棒,Indian Children都在夸你們呢,老師告訴你們‘一個小孩’是用英語one little來表示的,跟老師說……


幼兒園大班英語教案:These are

大班英語教案These are教學名稱:英語教學內(nèi)容:These are教學目標:1、復習It's 句型2、學習These are 句型教學準備:圖片若干,實物若干教學過程:1、Say good morning2、T:What day is today?

3、What’s the weather like today?

4、Let’s do a worm up,ok?

You have one,I have oneTwo little children see a big manYou have two,I have twoFour little children go to schoolYou have three,I have threeSix little children plant many treesYou have four,I have fourEight little children stand at the doorYou have five,I have fiveTen little children stand in a line5、T:Ok,very good,give me five yeah!

6、出示第一張白色兔子圖片T:What's this?

Yes,it's a ra it.Now read after me :It's a ra itWhat color is it? Yes, it's white7、出示第二張藍色兔子圖片方法同上8、出示第三張綠色兔子圖片方法同上9、引出句型These are10、教念句型,并糾正不正確發(fā)音11、T:Now let's have a rest,ok?

12、教師走到黑板后將畫有各種圖案的圖片扔出來,等幼兒幫忙拾起后,逐一問What are these?引導幼兒回答These are13、What are these?

C:These are horses.

Tet's act horses,ok?

These are horses,these are horses,turn around;these are horses,these are horses,yu.......stop!

14: T:What are these?

C:These are ducks.

Tet's act ducks,ok?

These are ducks,these are ducks,ga ga ga,these are ducks,these are ducks,ga ga ga15:What are these?

These are birds.

What are these?

These are rats.

16:Now I ask a girl to a wer me,what are these?

Yes, very good,give me five,yeah!15:15:312006年11月12日17et's go to the zoo,ok?


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